Spolsky | Concise Encyclopedia of Educational Linguistics | Buch | 978-0-08-043163-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 183 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 1910 g


Concise Encyclopedia of Educational Linguistics

Erscheinungsjahr 1999
ISBN: 978-0-08-043163-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 183 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 1910 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-043163-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

The volume comprises 232 thematically organised articles based on the highly successful Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics and the International Encyclopedia of Education (2nd edition) revised and, where necessary, updated and supplemented throughout. Dealing with all topics at the intersection between education and language, the work will prove an invaluable reference for all researchers in the field. Never has there been more intense debate over different attitudes and approaches to teaching and language. This volume will provide a state of the art description of all the topics of interest to language educators and all those concerned with making and implementing policy in language education. Fundamental topics include: the social context, society, national, school and curricular policy, literacy and oracy, language acquisition, bi- and plurilingualism, testing, TEFL, TESOL, SLA.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section headings and selected papers: Introduction to the Field. General introduction: the field of educational linguistics (B. Spolsky). The social context. Society. Socialization (C.B. Cazden). National Policy: National Language Policy and Education. Indian language education policy (Bh. Krishnamurti). Language education policy-Africa (S.G.M. Ridge). National language policy and education (R.D. Lambert). Literacy and Oracy. Literacy (C.J. Daswani). The Home-School Language Gap. Educational failure (J.R. Edwards). The Individual Learner. Language Acquisition. Becoming bilingual (C. Letts). Challenged Learners. The blind child (M. Garman). Second Language Processing. Age in second language learning (T. Scovel). The School Context. School and Classroom. Language across the curriculum (D.J. Corson). Dictionaries. Prescription in dictionaries (L.C. Mugglestone). Electronic Age. Computer-assisted language learning (J.D. Fox). Teaching Language. National Curricula. English teaching in England and Wales (R. Carter). Grammar in Mother Tongue Teaching. Grammar in British schools (A.M. Philp). Reading in the Mother Tongue. Reading difficulties (M.J. Snowling). Spelling in the Mother Tongue. Spelling: learning (N. Goulandris). Writing in the Mother Tongue. Writing in school (J. Harris). Teaching Additional Languages. Second and Foreign Language Learning. Language for special purposes (A. Johns). SLA (Second Language Acquisition). Lexis: acquisition (P. Meara). Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy. Pronunciation (D. Porter). Testing. Language testing (B. Spolsky). The Profession. Insitutions. Journals (V. Valdman). People. Ascham, Roger (1515-68) (A.P.R. Howatt). Halliday, Michael Alexander Kirkwood (1925- ) (J. Fine). Nickel, Gerhard (1928- ) (K. Sajavaara). Swain, Merrill K. (1944-

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