Sreemathy / Dandekar | Biochemistry and Nutrition for Nurses | Buch | 978-81-312-2823-4 |

Buch, Englisch

Sreemathy / Dandekar

Biochemistry and Nutrition for Nurses

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-81-312-2823-4
Verlag: Elsevier India

Nutrition and Biochemistry for Nurses has been designed to meet the requirements of B.Sc. Nursing students. The text has been written keeping in view the curriculum framed by the Nursing Council of India. Besides nursing students, it will also be useful to dental, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and pharmacy students.

This well-moulded text ensures that the students will get not only proper details to equip themselves with sufficient information on the curriculum but also the end-of-chapter summaries and exam-oriented exercises that help them retain and revise the contents, and stay ahead in the competition.
- Comprehensive and Exhaustive Coverage: Covers each and every topic in proper detail

- Simple Presentation: Text presented as short sentences, sometimes fragments, in the form of bulleted points

- Easy Language: Easy-to-read simple language used for ease of comprehension

- Rich Pedagogy: Numerous graphics, tables, diagrams and pictures provided wherever needed

- Applied Aspects: Applied aspects of topics, e.g. recommended dietary allowances (RDAs), cookery rules and preservation of nutrients, balanced diet and role of nurse in nutritional programmes, etc., in nutrition and various investigations in biochemistry provided in sufficient detail

- Chapter in a Nutshell: Short summary appended in the end of every chapter, to help the learner quickly revised the chapter's content

- Exam-Oriented Exercises: Potential questions provided to help students prepare themselves on the lines of the exam they are going to appear at; exercises contain different types of questions-short answer, long answer, multiple choice, fill in the blanks, etc.-as required by some universities

- Clinical Applications Boxes: A feature provided to help students comprehend the importance of biochemical information in diagnosis and treatment of clinical problems
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Weitere Infos & Material


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Carbohydrates

Chapter 3: Lipids

Chapter 4: Proteins

Chapter 5: Energy

Chapter 6: Vitamins

Chapter 7: Minerals

Chapter 8: Water and Electrolyte Balance

Chapter 9: Cookery Rules and Preservation of Nutrients

Chapter 10: Balanced Diet

Chapter 11: Role of Nurse in Nutritional Programmes


Chapter 12: Introduction to Biochemistry

Chapter 13: Cell

Chapter 14: Cell Membrane: Structure, Composition and Functions

Chapter 15: Carbohydrates and Biological Oxidation

Chapter 16: Lipids

Chapter 17: Proteins, Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

Chapter 18: Enzymes

Chapter 19: Iron Metabolism

Chapter 20: Vitamins

Chapter 21: Mineral Metabolism

Chapter 22: Acid-Base Balance

Chapter 23: Water and Electrolyte Balance

Chapter 24: Organ Function Tests

Chapter 25: Immunochemistry, Free Radicals and Specialized Proteins



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