Stacey | Revision Notes for MCEM Part B | Buch | 978-0-19-959277-7 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 1057 g

Reihe: Oxford Specialty Training: Revision Texts


Revision Notes for MCEM Part B

Erscheinungsjahr 2012
ISBN: 978-0-19-959277-7
Verlag: Oxford University Press

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 1057 g

Reihe: Oxford Specialty Training: Revision Texts

ISBN: 978-0-19-959277-7
Verlag: Oxford University Press

This is the only book that MCEM candidates will need to pass the MCEM Part B exam. This revision guide is framed around the most recent CEM syllabus, focusing on all the components of the exam. Each section of the book is tailored to match different elements of the syllabus, allowing candidates to revise efficiently and comprehensively.

This concise revision tool is completely up-to-date, reflecting the latest developments in the examination. High quality artwork and a bullet-point style help candidates to absorb information quickly. It also includes over 35 short answer questions enabling candidates to gain invaluable exam practice. Exam tips are included throughout the book to help candidates improve their exam technique.

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Specialist trainees in Emergency Medicine, as well as trainees in Acute Medicine, and other emergency practitioners.


Weitere Infos & Material

1: Exam tips
2: Resuscitation
3: Anaesthetics and pain relief
4: Major trauma
5: Musculoskeletal, rheumatology and wound management
6: Surgery
7: Surgical sub-specialities
8: Obstetrics and gynaecology
9: Cadiology
10: Respiratory
11: Neurology
12: Nephrology
13: Gastroenterology
14: Endocrinology
15: Infectious diseases
16: Dermatology
17: Toxicology
18: Psychiatry
19: Paediatrics
20: Legal aspects of emergency medicine

Victoria Stacey has been a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Cheltenham General Hospital since August 2009. She passed the MCEM examination in 2004 and the FCEM examination in 2008. She trained as a Specialist Registrar in the Oxford Deanery and during that time ran a revision course for the MCEM part B and C examinations. She has prepared hundreds of candidates for the MCEM examination as part of teaching on the revision course and in her role as an Educational
Supervisor. She has experienced firsthand the problem many candidates have of finding resources to help prepare for the exams and have been asked numerous times to recommend books that candidates can use to revise. She wrote the revision guide for the MCEM Part B examination to help address this need.
In writing the revision guide she has tried to create the book she wished she had when preparing for the MCEM and FCEM examinations.

Victoria Stacey has been a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Cheltenham General Hospital since August 2009. She passed the MCEM examination in 2004 and the FCEM examination in 2008. She trained as a Specialist Registrar in the Oxford Deanery and during that time ran a revision course for the MCEM part B and C examinations. She has prepared hundreds of candidates for the MCEM examination as part of teaching on the revision course and in her role as an Educational
Supervisor. She has experienced firsthand the problem many candidates have of finding resources to help prepare for the exams and have been asked numerous times to recommend books that candidates can use to revise. She wrote the revision guide for the MCEM Part B examination to help address this need.
In writing the revision guide she has tried to create the book she wished she had when preparing for the MCEM and FCEM examinations.

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