Starossek | Progressive Collapse of Structures | Buch | 978-0-7277-3610-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 168 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 420 g


Progressive Collapse of Structures

Buch, Englisch, 168 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 420 g

ISBN: 978-0-7277-3610-9
Verlag: Institution of Civil Engineers

The progressive collapse of a structure is characterized by a disproportion between a comparatively minor event or local failure and the ensuing widespread collapse. Different structural systems exhibit different degrees of susceptibility to progressive collapse and such differences are neglected in modern design procedures based on reliability theory.

This book gives engineers the practical, systematic framework they need to anticipate the risk of progressive collapse and apply this knowledge to design and assessment procedures.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1 - Introduction
1.1 - Opening
1.2 - Failure events
1.3 - State of research
1.4 - Codification

2 - Typology of progressive collapse
2.1 - Introduction
2.2 - Types of progressive collapse
2.2.1 - Pancake-type collapse
2.2.2 - Zipper-type collapse
2.2.3 - Domino-type collapse
2.2.4 - Section-type collapse
2.2.5 - Instability-type collapse
2.2.6 - Mixed-type collapse
2.3 - Classes of progressive collapse
2.4 - Collapse-promoting features
2.4.1 - Dynamic action, force concentration
2.4.2 - Brittle material behaviour
2.4.3 - Overstrength and ductile material behaviour
2.4.4 - Continuity or discontinuity
2.4.5 -Serial or parallel load transfer
2.4.6 - Alignment in space
2.4.7 - Structuredness

3 - Current design methods
3.1 - Inadequacy of current methods
3.2 - Possible improvements

4 - Suggested design approach
4.1 - Introduction
4.2 - Two definitions
4.2.1 - Robustness
4.2.2 - Collapse resistance
4.3 - Design criteria
4.3.1 - Requirements
4.3.2 - Design objectives
4.3.3 - Design methods
4.3.4 - Verification procedures

5 - Design methods
5.1 - Introduction
5.2 - High safety against local failure
5.2.1 - Specific local resistance
5.2.2 - Non-structural protective measures
5.2.3 - Discussion and further remarks
5.3 - Design for load case - local failure
5.3.1 - Introduction
5.3.2 - Alternative load paths
5.3.3 - Isolation by segmentation
5.3.4 - Redundancy vs. segmentation
5.3.5 - Interaction und progressive collapse
5.4 - Local failure: prevent or presume?
5.5 - Prescriptive design rules

6 - Applications
6.1 - Introduction
6.2 - Design of collapse-resistant bridges
6.2.1 - Introduction
6.2.2 - Continuous girder bridges
6.2.3 - Cable-stayed bridges
6.2.4 - Suspension bridges
6.2.5 - Arch bridges
6.3 - Design of collapse-resistant tall buildings
6.3.1 - Introduction
6.3.2 - Specific local resistance - Introduction - Primary load transfer system - Secondary load transfer system - Building envelope - Overall structure
6.3.3 - Non-structural protective measures
6.3.4 - Alternative load paths
6.3.5 - Isolation by segmentation - Horizontal segmentation - Vertical segmentation

7 - Measures of robustness and collapse resistance
7.1 - Introduction
7.2- -Areas of application
7.3- -Requirements
7.4 - Present approaches
7.5 - Stiffness-based measure of robustness
7.6 - Damage-based measure of robustness
7.7 - Energy-based measure of robustness

8 - Conclusions
8.1 - Synopsis
8.2 - Outlook

9 - References

48000 words, 21 line illustrations, 10 b/w photographs, 5 graphs, 4 equations
140 pages

Author suggested delivery: 19 Dec 08

Starossek, Uwe
Professor Uwe Starossek, Structural Engineer and Professor
Nationality: German (speaks: English, German, Portuguese; reads: Spanish, French, Korean)
since 1999: Full Professor and Head of Institute, Structural Analysis and Steel Structures Institute,

Professor Uwe Starossek, Structural Engineer and Professor
Nationality: German (speaks: English, German, Portuguese; reads: Spanish, French, Korean)
since 1999: Full Professor and Head of Institute, Structural Analysis and Steel Structures Institute,

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