Stockham, Alice B.
Stockham was the fifth woman in the U.S.A., who got the degree of a Medical Doctor. Apart from her special field gynecology and obstetrics she was engaged in charity and interested in spiritual topics. She also practiced homeopathy, fought against alcoholism, served probably sometimes as a trance medium and was an active feminist, a suffragette. She adhered to the so called New Thought Movement. In 1886, she joined the first course on Christian Science organised by Emma Hopkins in Chicago. Leo Tolstoy, a personal friend of her, was so impressed by her ideas that he that he initiated a translation of her book "Tokology" into Russian and wrote a preface. She is an outstanding figure in the history of the life reform movement regarding sexuality as a spiritual challenge in particular.
Schott, Heinz
Heinz Schott is an Emeritus Professor of the History of Medicine at the University of Bonn (Gemany). He published also the BoD books (in English):
- A. B. Stockham: Karezza: Ethics of Marriage (Ed. by H. Schott, 2017)
- H. Schott: Magic of Nature: On the Mystery of Healing (2018)
Alice B. Stockham:
Stockham was the fifth woman in the U.S.A., who got the degree of a Medical Doctor. Apart from her special field gynecology and obstetrics she was engaged in charity and interested in spiritual topics. She also practiced homeopathy, fought against alcoholism, served probably sometimes as a trance medium and was an active feminist, a suffragette. She adhered to the so called New Thought Movement. In 1886, she joined the first course on Christian Science organised by Emma Hopkins in Chicago. Leo Tolstoy, a personal friend of her, was so impressed by her ideas that he that he initiated a translation of her book "Tokology" into Russian and wrote a preface. She is an outstanding figure in the history of the life reform movement regarding sexuality as a spiritual challenge in particular.
Heinz Schott:
Heinz Schott is an Emeritus Professor of the History of Medicine at the University of Bonn (Gemany). He published also the BoD books (in English):
- A. B. Stockham: Karezza: Ethics of Marriage (Ed. by H. Schott, 2017)
- H. Schott: Magic of Nature: On the Mystery of Healing (2018)