Stoker | The Burial of the Rats | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 24 Seiten

Stoker The Burial of the Rats

E-Book, Englisch, 24 Seiten

ISBN: 859-654701908-4
Verlag: DigiCat
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: 6 - ePub Watermark

Bram Stoker's 'The Burial of the Rats' is a gripping tale set in Paris during the Franco-Prussian War, intertwining elements of horror, adventure, and suspense. The novella follows the journey of an Englishman who stumbles upon a group of outcasts known as the Rats while exploring the tunnels beneath the city. Stoker's vivid descriptions and atmospheric prose create a sense of foreboding that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Drawing inspiration from gothic literature, 'The Burial of the Rats' showcases Stoker's talent for creating chilling narratives filled with unexpected twists and turns. The novella serves as a precursor to his iconic work, 'Dracula,' offering a glimpse into the mind of a master storyteller honing his craft. Readers interested in exploring Stoker's lesser-known works or delving into the darker side of his imagination will find 'The Burial of the Rats' to be a captivating and immersive read, perfect for those seeking a haunting literary experience.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Bram Stoker, born Abraham Stoker on 8 November 1847 in Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland, is one of the pre-eminent figures in the establishment of the horror genre in literature. Stoker's life was one intricately connected with the literary and theatrical world; he was a theatre critic for the 'Dublin Evening Mail', managed the Lyceum Theatre in London, and was a trusted friend of the famous actor Henry Irving. Stoker's writing career spanned various forms - novels, short stories, and non-fiction - but his legacy is most strongly anchored to his vampire fiction, 'Dracula' (1897), a novel that has not only become synonymous with vampire literature but has also established the foundations for subsequent interpretations of vampire lore. While 'Dracula' stands as his magnum opus, Stoker's repertoire of chilling tales includes 'The Burial of the Rats' (1914). This lesser-known work continues Stoker's exploration of eerie atmospheres and sinister landscapes. Stoker's literary style often melded gothic elements with psychological terror, a product of his masterful command of the macabre and the unknown. His tales frequently explored themes of fear, humanity's battle with dark forces, and the complexities of Victorian social anxieties. Stoker passed away on 20 April 1912, leaving behind a legacy that not only survives but thrives in contemporary horror literature and media. His work has been the subject of countless adaptations and remains a cornerstone of gothic literature.

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