This set of ten double-sided cards, illustrated in full color, will enable children in years 3 and 4 to manage practical tasks for science. Each activity is designed to help children develop and practice a key science skill such as: asking questions that can be answered scientifically; linking cause and effect; deciding what evidence to collect; planning and carrying out a fair test or comparison; testing predictions; checking observations and repeating them; making systematic measurements; and drawing conclusions from observations. The pack has been carefully planned to reflect the full range of skills, and there is an example for each unit of work for years 3 and 4. The activities are aimed at improving children's performance in science enquiry, helping children to demonstrate what they know and understand.
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Teeth and eating; Helping plants grow well; Characteristics of materials; Rocks and soils; Magnets and springs; Light and shadows; Moving and growing; Habitats; Solids, liquids and how they can be separated; Friction; Circuits and conductors.