Sukhai / Mohler | Creating a Culture of Accessibility in the Sciences | Buch | 978-0-12-804037-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 348 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 570 g

Sukhai / Mohler

Creating a Culture of Accessibility in the Sciences

Buch, Englisch, 348 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 570 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-804037-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Creating a Culture of Accessibility in the Sciences provides insights and advice on integrating students with disabilities into the STEM fields. Each chapter features research and best practices that are interwoven with experiential narratives.

The book is reflective of the diversity of STEM disciplines (life and physical sciences, engineering, and mathematics), and is also reflective of cross-disability perspectives (physical, sensory, learning, mental health, chronic medical and developmental disabilities).

It is a useful resource for STEM faculty and university administrators working with students with disabilities, as well as STEM industry professionals interested in accommodating employees with disabilities.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Students with Disabilities in the Sciences

1. The landscape for students with disabilities in the sciences

2. Accessibility in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-the global perspective

Part II: Barriers Faced by Students with Disabilities in the Sciences

3. Barriers faced by students with disabilities in science laboratory and practical space settings

4. Student perspectives on disability-impact on education, career path, and accommodation

5. Key role of education providers in communication with students and service providers

Part III: Student as Educator

6. Disclosure in the sciences

7. Student as ACTor-recognizing the importance of advocacy, communication, and trailblazing to student success in STEM

8. Mental health and well-being for students with disabilities in the sciences

9. Peer-support networks

Part IV: Student as Learner

10. Essential requirements and academic accommodations in the sciences

11. Universal design for learning

12. Inclusive teaching practices

Part V: Students as Mentees, Trainees, and Leaders

13. Faculty mentorship of students with disabilities in the sciences

14. Faculty supervision of students with disabilities in the sciences

15. The student in a leadership, mentorship, and supervision role

16. Leveraging professional development and networking opportunities

Part VI: Accommodating Students With Disabilities in the Sciences

17. Accommodating students with disabilities in science laboratories and in fieldwork

18. Human accommodation-laboratory/technical assistants in the sciences

19. Mainstream technology as accessibility solutions in the science lab

20. Assistive technology

21. Accessible formats in science and technology disciplines

22. Simulation learning

23. Physical access in science laboratories

Part VII: Synthesis

24. Practicum placements

25. General principles of designing accessible learning environments in the sciences

Sukhai, Mahadeo A.
University of Toronto and Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada

Mohler, Chelsea E.
National Educational Association of Disabled Students, Ottawa, ON, Canada

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