Buch, Englisch, 1558 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 2930 g
Buch, Englisch, 1558 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 2930 g
Reihe: Critical Concepts in Sociology
ISBN: 978-1-138-91678-4
Verlag: Routledge
Weitere Infos & Material
Islam and Society: Critical Concepts in Sociology
Edited by Thijl Sunier
Volume 1: The Perils of Modernity: Islam and Social Transformation
Part 1: The language of modernity
- L. Ahmed, ‘Western Ethnocentrism and Perceptions of the Harem’, Feminist Studies 8, 3, 1982, 521-534.
- D. Eickelman, ‘Islam and the Language of Modernity’, Deadalus 29, 1, 2000, 119-135.
- R. W. Hefner, ‘Multiple Modernities: Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism in a Globalizing Age’, Annual Review of Anthropology 27, 1998, 83-104.
- E. W. Said, ‘Representing the Colonized: Anthropology's Interlocutors’, Critical Inquiry 15, 2, 1989, 205-225.
- Salvatore, ‘Power and Authority within European Secularity: From the Enlightenment Critique of Religion to the Contemporary Presence of Islam’, The Muslim World 96, 4, 2006, 543-561.
- H. Zaidi, ‘Muslim Reconstructions of Knowledge and the Re-enchantment of Modernity’, Theory, Culture & Society 23, 5, 2006, 69-91.
Part 2 Society and politics
- J. W. Anderson, ‘Conjuring with Ibn Khaldun: From an Anthropological Point of View’, Journal of Asian and African Studies 18, 3-4, 1983, 263-273.
- L. Binder, ‘Exceptionalism and Authenticity: The Question of Islam and Democracy’, The Arab Studies Journal 6, 1, 1989, 33-59.
- J. A. Massad, ‘The Choice of Liberalism’, in Islam in Liberalism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015), pp. 1-14.
Part 3: Progress and development
- S. A. Arjomand, ‘Islam, Political Change and Globalization’, Thesis Eleven 76, 1, 2004, 9-28.
- Bayat, ‘The Work Ethic in Islam: A Comparison with Protestantism’, The Islamic Quarterly 36, 1, 1992, 5-27.
Part 4: Secularism
- T. Asad, ‘Secularism, Nation-State, Religion’ in Formations of the Secular (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003), pp. 181-205.
- S. Bangstad, ‘Contesting Secularism/s: Secularism and Islam in the work of Talal Asad’, Anthropological Theory 9, 2, 2009, 188-208.
- F. Keyman, ‘Islam, Modernity and Secularism: The Case of Turkey’, Theory, Culture & Society 24, 2, 2007, 215-234.
- M. K. Masud, ‘The Construction and Deconstruction of Secularism as an Ideology in Contemporary Muslim Thought’, Asian Journal of Social Science 33, 3, 2005, 363-383.
- S. Zubaida, ‘Islam and Secularization’, Asian Journal of Social Science 33, 3, 2005, 438-448.
Volume 2: Space, Place, Time: The Spatial Dimensions of Islam
Part 5: Mobilities
- S. Bhardwaj, ‘Non-Hajj Pilgrimage in Islam: A Neglected Dimension of Religious Circulation’, Journal of Cultural Geography 17, 2, 1998, 69-87.
- M. Buitelaar, ‘Moved by Mecca: The Meanings of the Hajj for Present Day Dutch Muslims’, in I. Flaskerud and R. Natvig (eds), Muslim Pilgrimage in and from Europe (Abingdon: Routledge, 2017).
- H. Donnan, ‘Pilgrimage and Islam in Rural Pakistan: The Influence of the Hajj’, Etnofoor 8, 1, 1995, 63-82.
- S. McLoughlin, ‘Holy Places, Contested Spaces: British-Pakistani Accounts of Pilgrimage to Makkah and Madinah’ in P. Hopkins and R. Gale (eds), Muslims in Britain: Race, Place and Identities (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009), pp. 132-149.
Part 6: Homelands
- Ahmad, ‘Genealogy of the Islamic State: Reflections on Maududi's Political Thought and Islamism’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 15, 1, 2009, 145-162.
- M. Al-Rasheed, C. Kersten and M. Shterin, ‘The Caliphate: Nostalgic Memory and Contemporary Visions’ in M. Al-Rasheed, C. Kersten and M. Shterin (eds),[B] Demystifying the Caliphate: Historical Memory and Contemporary Contexts (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), pp.1-31
- M. Parvin and M. Sommer, ‘Dar al-Islam: The Evolution of Muslim Territoriality and its Implications for Conflict Resolution in the Middle East’, International Journal of Middle East Studies 11, 1, 1-21.
- O. Vovina, ‘Islam and the Creation of Sacred Space: The Mishar Tatars in Chuvashia’, Religion, State and Society 34, 3, 2006, 255-269.
- S. Zubaida, ‘Islam and Nationalism: Continuities and Contradictions’, Nations Nationalism 10, 4, 2004, 407-420.
Part 7: Place-making
- M. Maussen, ‘Islamic Presence and Mosque Establishment in France: Colonialism, Arrangements for Guest Workers and Citizenship’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 33, 6, 2007, 981-1102.
- M. A. Morgahi, ‘An Emerging European Islam: The Case of the Minhajul Quran in the Netherlands’, in M. van Bruinessen and S. Allievi (eds), Producing Islamic Knowledge: Transmission and Dissemination in Western Europe (New York: Routledge, 2011), pp. 47-65.
- P. Tamimi Arab, ‘"A Minaret of Light": Transducing the Islamic Call to Prayer?’, Material Religion 11, 2, 2015, 136-163.
- O. Verkaaik, ‘Designing the "Anti-mosque": Identity, Religion and Affect in Contemporary European Mosque Design’, Social Anthropology 20, 2, 2012, 161-176.
Part 8: Boundaries
- J. R. Bowen, ‘Does French Islam have Borders? Dilemmas of Domestication in a Global Religious Field’, American Anthropologist 106, 1, 2004, 43-55.
- Y. N. Soysal, ‘Changing Parameters of Citizenship and Claims-making: Organized Islam in European Public Spheres’, Theory and Society 26, 1997, 509-527.
- R. Zolberg and L. L. Woon, ‘Why Islam is Like Spanish: Cultural Incorporation in Europe and the United States’, Politics & Society 27, 1, 1999, 5-38.
Volume 3: Communities, Fractions, Networks, Audiences
Part 9: Discussion
- T. Keskin, ‘The Sociology of Islam’, in H. Keskin (ed.), The Sociology of Islam: Secularism, Economy and Politics (Reading: Ithaca Press, 2011), pp. 1-21.
- Y. Sadowski, ‘Political Islam: Asking the Wrong Questions?’, Annual Review of Political Science 9, 2006, 215-240.
- J. Tan, ‘Culture or Class? Why Islam is Neither the Question nor the Answer’, Sociology of Islam 1, 1-2, 2013, 64-87.
Part 10: Communities, Sects, and Politics
- K. P. Ewing, ‘Living Islam in the Diaspora: Between Turkey and Germany’, The South Atlantic Quarterly 102, 2-3, 2003, 405-431.
- N. Hashemi, ‘Toward a Political Theory of Sectarianism in the Middle East: The Salience of Authoritarianism over Theology’, Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies 1, 1, 2016, 65-76.
- Z. Pall and M. de Koning, ‘Being and Belonging in Transnational Salafism: Informality, Social Capital and Authority in European and Middle Eastern Salafi Networks’, Journal of Muslims in Europe 6, 1, 2017.
- R. Rinaldo, ‘Pious and Critical: Muslim Women Activists and the Question of Agency’, Gender & Society 28, 6, 2014, 824-846.
Part 11: Authority, Audiences and Publics
- H. Kalmbach, ‘Social and Religious Change in Damascus: One Case of Female Islamic Religious Authority’, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 35, 1, 2008, 37-57.
- P. Mandaville, ‘Globalization and the Politics of Religious Knowledge: Pluralizing Authority in the Muslim World’, Theory, Culture, & Society 24, 2, 2007, 101-115.
- D. Schulz, ‘Promises of (Im)mediate Salvation: Islam, Broadcast Media, and the Remaking of Religious Experience in Mali’, American Ethnologist 33, 2, 2006, 210-229.
- T. Sunier and M. Sahin, ‘The Weeping Sermon: Persuasion, Binding and Authority within the Gülen Movement’, Culture and Religion 16, 2, 2015, 228-241.
- F. Volpi and B. Turner, ‘Making Islamic Authority Matter’, Theory, Culture and Society 24, 2, 2007, 1-19.
Part 12: A Transnational Muslim Public Sphere?
- J. R. Bowen, ‘Beyond Migration: Islam as a Transnational Public Space’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 30, 5, 2004, 879-894.
- D. F. Eickelman and A. Salvatore, ‘The Public Sphere and Muslim Identities’, European Journal of Sociology 43, 1, 2002, 92-115.
- Kort, ‘Dar al-Cyber Islam: Women, Domestic Violence, and the Islamic Reformation on the World Wide Web’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 25, 3, 2005, 363-383.
- R. Salih, ‘The Backward and the New: National, Transnational and Post-National Islam in Europe’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 30, 5, 2006, 995-1011.
Volume 4: Ethical Formation, World-making and the Self
Part 13: The Debate
- T. Asad, ‘Anthropological Conceptions of Religion: Reflections on Geertz’, Man, New Series 18, 2, 1983, 237-259.
- C. Geertz, ‘Religion as Cultural System’, in The Interpretation of Cultures (New York: Basic Books, 1973), pp. 87-126.
- S. Schielke, ‘Second Thoughts about the Anthropology of Islam, or How to Make Sense of Grand Schemes in Everyday Life’, ZMO Working Paper, No.2, 2010, 2-16.
Part 14: Technologies of the Self
- P. Eisenlohr, ‘Technologies of the Spirit: Devotional Islam, Sound Reproduction and the Dialectics of Mediation and Immediacy in Mauritius’, Anthropological Theory 9, 3, 2009, 273-296.
- H. El-Sayed, A. Greenhill and C. Westrup, ‘’"I Download My Prayer Schedule": Exploring the Technological Mediation of Islamic Religious Practice at Work’, Culture and Religion 21, 6, 2015, 35-50.
- C. Hirschkind, ‘The Ethics of Listening: Cassette-sermon Audition in Contemporary Egypt’, American Ethnologist 28, 3, 2001, 623-649.
- S. Mahmood, ‘Rehearsed Spontaneity and the Conventionality of Ritual: Disciplines of Salat’, American Ethnologist 28, 4, 2001, 827-853.
- Moors, ‘"Islamic Fashion" in Europe: Religious Conviction, Aesthetic Style, and Creative Consumption’, Encounters 1, 1, 2009, 175-201.
Part 15: Performance and Public Ethics
- F. Devji, ‘The Terrorist as Humanitarian’, Social Analysis 53, 1, 2009, 173-192.
- J. B. Hoesterey, ‘Prophetic Cosmopolitanism: Islam, Pop Psychology, and Civic Virtue in Indonesia’, City & Society 24, 1, 2012, 38-61.
- M. LeVine, ‘Heavy Metal Muslims: The Rise of a Post-Islamist Public Sphere’, Contemporary Islam 2, 3, 2008, 229-249.
- L. Moosavi, ‘British Muslim Converts Performing "Authentic Muslimness"’ Performing Islam 1, 2012, 103-128.
- M. Rytter, ‘Transnational Sufism from Below: Charismatic Counselling and the Quest for Well-being’, South Asian Diaspora 6, 1, 2014, 105-119.
- A. B. Sajoo, ‘The Ethics of the Public Square: A Preliminary Muslim Critique’, Institute of Ismaili Studies 2007, 2-16.
- D. E. Schulz, ‘(Re) Turning to Proper Muslim Practice: Islamic Moral Renewal and Women's Conflicting Assertions of Sunni Identity in Urban Mali’, Africa Today 54, 4, 2008, 20-43.
- P. A. Silverstein, ‘Sporting Faith: Islam, Soccer, and the French Nation-State’, Social Text 18, 4, 2000, 25-53.