Surianinov | Actual Problems of Engineering Mechanics | Sonstiges | 978-3-0357-2581-0 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 968, 580 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Materials Science Forum


Actual Problems of Engineering Mechanics

Erscheinungsjahr 2019
ISBN: 978-3-0357-2581-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 968, 580 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Materials Science Forum

ISBN: 978-3-0357-2581-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

This volume contains papers presented at the annual International Conference "Actual problems of engineering mechanics" (APEM 2019) which was held in 2019 for the sixth time in Odessa, Ukraine. The conference was organized by the Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine, Odesa). G.S. Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Ukraine), University of West Attica (Greece) and University ?North?(Croatia) were involved as partners. Presented papers will be interesting and useful for the specialists which activity related to the strength of materials and structures, functional coatings, building materials, engineering mechanics.
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Efficiency of the Alkali-Activated Cement Concretes for Sea ConstructionThe Influence of Complex Additive on Strength and Proper Deformations of Alkali-Activated Slag CementsSearch for Ranking Approaches of Expanded Clay Concrete Quality CriteriaRational Compounds of Low-Strength Concrete with Improved Coefficient of Efficiency of Cement UseInfluence of Organic Matters on the Calcium Carbonate Decarbonization ProcessNanotechnological Techniques of Obtaining Building Composites on a Silicate Matrix of Thermo-Moisture HardeningThe Influence of Storage Conditions on the Electric Conductivity of ConcreteResearch of the Efficiency of the Fire Fighting Roof Composition for CanePorous Polymer Coatings Based on NitrocelluloseImprovement of Arbolit Concrete Bio-Resistance with Additives by NanomodificatorsConcretes, Modified by the Addition of High-Diffused Chalk, for Small Architectural FormsEffect of Mineral Filler Compounds on Vapor Permeability and Hygroscopic Properties of Water-Based Polymer DispersionsStudy of Rheological Properties of Modified Concrete Mixtures at VibrationInvestigation of Biostability of Concrete Constructions for Special PurposeEfflorescence Processes in Exterior Wall Surface of BuildingsUltrasonic Control of the Formation of Gypsum BindersModeling Technological Parameters for Producing Combined Electrospark Deposition CoatingsInfluence of Film-Forming Components on the Corrosion Resistance of Powder CoatingInvestigation of Internal Stresses in Thin Layer Oxide Coatings on Aluminum AlloysThe Influence Technological Aspects to the Formation of Defects in PbI2 Single CrystalsResearch Methods of Making Glass and its Physico-Chemical PropertiesInfluence of Physical Fields on Functional Properties of Polymeric NanocompositesBearing Capacity of Common and Damaged CFRP-Strengthened R. C. Beams Subject to High-Level Low-Cycle LoadingBearing Capacity of Structures Made of Materials with Different Tensile and Compression StrengthsCalculation Models of the Bearing Capacity of Span Reinforced Concrete Structure Support ZonesExperimental Studies of Reinforced Concrete and Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams with Short-Term and Long-Term LoadsStrength and Deformation of Combined Beams with Side Reinforced PlatesThe Ability to Determine the Degree of Damage to Welds Depending on Damage to the Welding ElementsExperimental Studies of the Crack Formation Moment of Reinforced Concrete BeamsStudy of Joint Work of Shell and Core of Tube Confined Concrete Elements with Strengthened CoreSimulation of Design Reliability and Bearing Capacity of Normal and Oblique Sections of Span Prestressed Reinforced Concrete StructuresSimulation of Performance of CFST Elements Containing Differentiated Profile Tubes Filled with Reinforced ConcreteEffect of Residual Deformation of a Steel Column on its Fire Resistance under Combined Exposure "Explosion-Fire"Influence of Rotational Component of Earthquake Excitation to the Response of Steel Slender FrameResearch of the Deflections of Beams Reinforced with BFRP Armature and Hybrid Reinforcement Using Metal and BFRP ArmatureStress-Strain State of Reinforced Anisotropic Elements of Round and Annulus SectionOperational Reliability of Exterior Walls of BuildingsFormation of Technological Damage of Building Constructions by Regulation of DeformationsConsideration of the Torsional Stiffness in Hollow-Core Slabs? 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