Sutherland | Profile of the International Fluid Sealing Industry - Market Prospects to 2008 | Buch | 978-1-85617-418-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 180 Seiten


Profile of the International Fluid Sealing Industry - Market Prospects to 2008

3rd Auflage
ISBN: 978-1-85617-418-3
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, 180 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-85617-418-3
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

The definitive guide to the international fluid sealing industry to help you make the right business decisions. - Will help you to keep track of the major issues affecting the market

- Will enable you to identify new business opportunities

- Includes Market forecasts, commentary and analysis sup.ported by primary research

Completely revised and updated, the 3rd edition of Profile of the International Fluid Sealing Industry - Market Prospects to 2008 reviews the markets, technological trends and major manufacturers of fluid seals on a global basis.

We have drawn on the expertise from our existing portfolio, Sealing Technology newsletter and World Pumps magazine to bring you vital information, analyses, forecasts that cannot be found anywhere else.

The study deals with items and materials used, very largely, in the mechanical engineering sector, to effect hermetic closures or the separation of fluids. It therefore covers gaskets and packings, O-rings and mechanical and bellows seals.

Profile of the International Fluid Sealing Industry covers the structure of the industry, highlighting developments, identifying future trends, and looking at recent mergers and acquisitions in the sector. Market estimates and forecasts to 2008, by region and seal type, are presented along with an analysis of the main end-user markets for fluid seals, as well as a technology overview. Forty leading international fluid sealing manufacturers are profiled. A directory of seal manufacturing companies is also included.

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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction/Economic Overview 2. International Fluid Sealing Market 3. Market Analysis by End-User Industry 4. Seal Technology Trends 5. Profiles of Major Seal Manufacturers 6. Directory of Seal Companies 7. Appendices

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