Sypabekova / Bekmurzayeva / Molardi | Optical Fiber Biosensors | Buch | 978-0-12-819467-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 386 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 790 g

Sypabekova / Bekmurzayeva / Molardi

Optical Fiber Biosensors

Device Platforms, Biorecognition, Applications
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
ISBN: 978-0-12-819467-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Device Platforms, Biorecognition, Applications

Buch, Englisch, 386 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 790 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-819467-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Optical Fiber Biosensors: Device Platforms, Biorecognition, Applications provides a comprehensive overview of the field of fiber optic sensors using an interdisciplinary approach that covers the fabrication of sensing devices and optical hardware, the functionalization to perform selective biorecognition, and the main applications of biosensors, with a present and a future outlook. Chapters discuss the principles of light propagation and the sensing devices suitable to perform biosensing with optical fibers, the process to functionalize the previous devices to selective biosensing, and applications in cells, small molecules, biomarkers and protein sensing, with a birds eye view on the most important results.

This book provides a coherent picture of fiber optic biosensors, from the start (the device) to the end (the application), explaining in simple terms what is the whole process for development of a biosensor. The book also contains practical material (e.g. commercial instruments, fabrication instructions, medical standards for biocompatibility) that cannot be easily found elsewhere, and this is very useful for researchers to plan their development and build their labs.
Sypabekova / Bekmurzayeva / Molardi Optical Fiber Biosensors jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Section I

1. Introduction to optical fiber biosensors2. Principles of fiber optic sensors3. Grating-based sensors4. Taperered and photonic crystal fibers5. Surface plasmon resonances6. Interferometers7. Low-cost biosensors8. Interrogation of sensors

Section II9. Bioreceptors on fiber surface10. Fiber surface modifications for biosensing11. Evaluation of sensors12. Medical devices and standards13. Analyte and sample detection14. Emerging topics in optical fiber biosensors

Molardi, Carlo
C. Molardi is currently a post-doc scholar at Nazarbayev university, School of Engineering. From May 2016 t0 August 2017 he covered a post-doctoral position in the Information Engineering Department of University of Parma. In March 2016, he received his Ph.D. in Information Technologies from the same university. During his PhD he worked with the Group of Applied Electro-Magnetics (GAEM), under the supervision of Prof. Stefano Selleri. Part of his Ph.D period was spent in Singapore, from January 2013 to December 2015, as a research assistant in collaboration with SIMTech (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology) - A?STAR, under ARAP scholarship. In March 2011, he received a master degree in Telecommunication Engineering from University of Parma, working on numerical methods for optics and electromagnetism. His research interests include, fiber sensors, micro-structured fiber design, fiber lasers, Near- and Mid-IR optics, numerical methods for optics and electromagnetism.

Sypabekova, Marzhan
M. Sypabekova is a researcher at National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. She has been working on the development of biosensors since 2011. Particularly she has experience in bio-recognition molecule selection against protein target, electrochemical biosensors, SPR-based biosensors, quartz crystal microbalance based biosensors and optical fiber based biosensors. She is interested in surface chemistry functionalization on the biosensor platform for the specific and selective measurement of the analyte, biosensor miniaturization and application in clinical sample analysis. She obtained the Bachelor in Biotechnology (Hons) at University of Glasgow (UK) in 2011, and the Master in Bionanophotonics for Telecommunications and Biology at Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan (France) in 2014; she is graduating in the PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan), expected in 2019.

Bekmurzayeva, Aliya
A. Bekmurzayeva is a PhD Candidate at School of Engineering at Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan and a researcher at National Laboratory Astana, Kazakhstan. Aliya received her Bachelors degree in Ecology Al Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan), and Master degree in Biotechnolgy from McGill University (Canada). She was awarded a Newton Al Farabi Researchers links travel grant and worked at Queen Mary University of London (UK) on functionalization of metal used in biomedicine. Her PhD thesis is focused on developing a platform functionalized with aptamers for the detection of cancer cells. She has been working on the development of biosensors since 2011. Particularly she has been working on aptamer selection against proteins and cells and their application in diagnostics, optical fiber biosensors. Interested in functionalization of biomaterials for various biomedical applications

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