Taghizadegan | Essentials of Lean Six Sigma | Buch | 978-0-12-370502-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 570 g


Essentials of Lean Six Sigma

Buch, Englisch, 304 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 570 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-370502-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Six Sigma is a management program that provides tools that help manufacturers obtain efficient, stream-lined production to coincide with ultimate high quality products. Essentials of Lean Six Sigma will show how the well-regarded analytical tools of Six Sigma quality control can be successfully brought into the well-established models of "lean manufacturing,� bringing efficient, stream-lined production and high quality product readily together. This book offers a thorough, yet concise introduction to the essential mathematics of Six Sigma, with solid case examples from a variety of industrial settings, culminating in an extended case study.

Various professionals will find this book immensely useful, whether it be the industrial engineer, the industrial manager, or anyone associated with engineering in a technical or managing role. It will bring about a clear understanding of not only how to implement Six Sigma statistical tools, but also how to do so within the bounds of Lean manufacturing scheme. It will show how Lean Six Sigma can help reinforce the notion of "less is more,� while at the same time preserving minimal error rates in final manufactured products.
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Industrial Engineers; Quality Control and Reliability Engineers; Mechanical Engineers; Chemical Engineers; Electrical Engineers; Managers in manufacturing and Process Industries;
Graduate Students; Graduate Students in Industrial Engineering in courses on Quality Control, Reliability, Advances Production Control, Statistical Quality Control and Advanced Manufacturing
Graduate Business Students concentrating in Manufacturing and Industrial Management


Weitere Infos & Material

PART I: Statistical Theory and Concepts
Chapter 1. Introduction to Essentials of Lean Six Sigma (6 )Strategies
Chapter 2. Statistical Theory of Lean Six Sigma (6 ) Strategies
Chapter 3. Mathematical Concepts of Lean Six Sigma Engineering Strategies
PART II: Six Sigma Engineering and Implementation
Chapter 4. Six Sigma Continuous Improvement
Chapter 5. Design for Six Sigma
Chapter 6. Design for Lean/Kaizen Six Sigma
Chapter 7. The Roles and Responsibilities to Six Sigma Philosophy and Strategy
Chapter 8. The Road Map to Lean Six Sigma Continuous Improvement Engineering Strategies
PART III: Case Studies
Chapter 9. Case Study
9.1: Methodology for Machine Downtime
Reduction. A Green Belt methodology
Case Study 9.2: Methodology for Defect Reduction in Injection Molding Tools Life time. A Black Belt methodology.
Chapter 10. Case Study: Methodology for Defect Reduction in Injection Molding a Multi-Factor Central Composite Design Approach. A Master Black Belt methodology

Taghizadegan, Salman
Chemical Engineer & Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certified
Hunter Industries, Inc.
San Marcos, CA

Chemical Engineer & Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certified Hunter Industries, Inc. San Marcos, CA

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