Tajmar | Advanced Space Propulsion Systems | Buch | 978-3-211-83862-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 130 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 242 mm, Gewicht: 290 g


Advanced Space Propulsion Systems

Buch, Englisch, 130 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 242 mm, Gewicht: 290 g

ISBN: 978-3-211-83862-4
Verlag: Springer Vienna

Space propulsion systems have a great influence on our ability to travel to other planets or how cheap a satellite can provide TV programs. This book provides an up-to-date overview of all kinds of propulsion systems ranging from classical rocket technology, nuclear propulsion to electric propulsion systems, and further to micro-, propellantless and even breakthrough propulsion, which is a new program under development at NASA. The author shows the limitations of the present concepts and how they could look like in the future. Starting from historical developments, the reader is taken on a journey showing the amazing technology that has been put on hold for decades to be rediscovered in the near future for questions like how we can even reach other stars within a human lifetime. The author is actively involved in advanced propulsion research and contributes with his own experience to many of the presented topics. The book is written for anyone who is interested in how space travel can be revolutionized.
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Lower undergraduate


Weitere Infos & Material

1 Propulsion Fundamentals.- 1.1 History.- 1.2 Propulsion Fundamentals.- 1.3 Trajectory and Orbits.- 1.4 Classification of Propulsion Systems.- 2 Chemical Propulsion Systems.- 2.1 Thermodynamic Characterization.- 2.2 Chemical Propulsion Overview.- 2.3 Nozzle Design — Atmospheric Flight.- 2.4 Advanced Propellants.- 2.5 Alternative Designs.- 2.6 Reusable Launch Vehicles.- 3 Launch Assist Technologies.- 3.1 Reduction of Required ??.- 3.2 Advanced Drag Reduction.- 3.3 Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Propulsion.- 3.4 MHD Energy Bypass Application.- 4 Nuclear Propulsion Systems.- 4.1 Overview.- 4.2 Fission Propulsion.- 4.3 Radioisotope Nuclear Rocket.- 4.4 Fusion Propulsion.- 4.5 Antimatter Propulsion.- 5 Electric Propulsion Systems.- 5.1 Electrothermal.- 5.2 Electrostatic.- 5.3 Electromagnetic.- 5.4 Induced Spacecraft Interactions.- 6 Micropropulsion.- 6.1 Chemical Propulsion.- 6.2 Electric Propulsion.- 7 Propellantless Propulsion.- 7.1 Tethers.- 7.2 Propellantless Electric/Nuclear Propulsion.- 7.3 Photon Rocket.- 7.4 Beamed Energy Earth-to-orbit Propulsion.- 7.5 Solar Sails.- 7.6 Magnetic Sails.- 8 Breakthrough Propulsion.- 8.1 Current Fundamental Limitations in Propulsion.- 8.2 Quantum Physics, Relativity Theory, Electromagnetism and Space Propulsion.- 8.3 Experiments Leading to Possible Breakthroughs.- 8.4 When Will We Revolutionize Space Travel?.- Further Reading.

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