Tan | Mechanical Properties of Materials and Information Technology | Buch | 978-3-03785-253-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 520 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1100 g


Mechanical Properties of Materials and Information Technology

Erscheinungsjahr 2012
ISBN: 978-3-03785-253-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Buch, Englisch, 520 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1100 g

ISBN: 978-3-03785-253-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The mechanical properties of a material are those that involve reaction to an applied load. The mechanical properties of metals determine their range of usefulness and govern their expected service life. Mechanical properties are also used to help to classify and identify materials. The most common properties which are considered are strength, ductility, hardness, impact resistance and fracture toughness. This special collection of peer-reviewed papers discusses the most interesting and up-to-date topics related to the subject and will provide a wealth of ideas for those working in the field.
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Preface and Committees
Chapter 1: Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
A Preconditioned Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method for Linear Complementarity Problem in Intelligent Materials System
The Recombination of Equipment Maintenance Support Personnel Based on the Capability and Mission Model
Study on Prediction of Gas Balance Schedule in Steel Plant
Application of Frequency Converter Driver in Long Belt Conveyor
Impact Assessment of Job Machine Factors on Scaling Parameters
Comprehensive Identification of Sintered Carbide Durability in Machining Process of Bearings Steel 100CrMn6
Estimation of the Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Multi-Phase Materials
The Method of Logging Curves Fusion Based on Multi-Scale Wavelet Transform
Design, Analysis and Test for Micro-Mechanical Piezoresistive Accelerometer
The Temperature Monitory System of Electric Cable Interface
The Spread-Mathematical Model of Special-Shaped Steel Wire during the Rolling
Strain Distribution Characteristics in the Rolling Process of Shaped Wires
Dynamic Adaptive Weight Multi-Scale and Multi-Structure Morphological Edge Detection in Anterior Chamber OCT Images
Temperature Field in Electric Control Unit of Diesel Engine and its Optimization Design
The Preparation and Evaluation of a-CSH/ß-TCP Combined Artificial Bone
Effect of Functionalized MWCNTs on the Tribological Properties of Polyimide Film
The Study of Automatic Counting of Coal and Gangue Based on the DaVinci Video Image Processing Technology
The Design of Simulation Signal Source for Fish Torpedo Testing Based on DSP
Design of USB-GPIB Controller Based on up D7210
Research on Development for MES of Mould Making Based on WEB Platform and B/S Mode
The Design of Crops Remote Sensing Monitoring System Based on Supermap Objects
Research on the Least Squares Method in Error Compensation on RSSI Ranging
Mechanical Mechanism Analysis for Qianjiangping Landslide Damage on Three Gorges Reservoir
Design and Performance of the Double Dislocation Perforated Shielding Plate Used in Vacuum Arc Deposition for High Quality Coating Deposition
Experimental Study of Temperature Correction on Single-Mode Sleeve Fiber for Distributed Strain Monitoring
The Dynamics of Entropy Exchange between Field and Atom
Noise Variance Estimation Based on Knowledge of Noise Reduction Coefficient
Based on Spectral Analysis of Voice Controllable Surveillance System Using Normalized Mean Square Error
Study on Analysis and Estimation of Alert Degree Based on EEG
Design of a Dynamic Magnetic Field Steered Cathodic Arc Source in Arc Ion Plating
Discussion on the Construction of Accounting Informatization in Internet Era
Improved Electroluminescence from nc-Si Film Embedded in p-i-n Structure LED
Effect of the Randomness of the Relative Humidity on the Phenomenon of Carbonation of the Reinforced Concrete
Chapter 2: Biomaterial Science
Comparative Analysis and Assessment on Oxidation Resistance of Proanthocyanidin Extract from Sanguisorba Root
Research on the Concurrency Control Communications Protocol in BioMedical Information Service System
Research and Design of Wireless Remote Health Monitoring System Based on nRF24E1
Design of Medical Monitoring and Locating System Based on GPS and GPRS
Antioxidant Properties of Laoying Tea (Litsea Coreana L.) Extracts
Study on Combination and Bioremediation of Chlorimuron-Ethyl-Degrading Strains
Development of a Novel CaP-Containing Mesoporous Silica-Based Xerogels Used as Hemostatic Material with Good Biodegradability and Low Heat Generation
Treatment of Dye Wastewater by Zero Valent Iron Composited Organobentonite
Adsorption and Catalysis of Orange II from Wastewater by Inorganic-Organic-Bentonite
Influence of Shape of Region of Interest on the Architectural Parameters in Micro CT Image Analysis
Effects of Isolated Soy Protein and Ascorbic Acid on Formation of Furan, Acetic and Formic Acids from Fructose
6-Gingerol Function against Fatigue
A Localization and Extraction Method Research for Phalange ROI and Carpal ROI from Left Hand Radiography
Comparison of Auto and Manual Integration for Peptidomics Data Based on High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry
Analysis of Peptides in Plasma by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Isolation and Identification of Ammonibacteria and Ammoniation Characteristic Analysis
Treatment of Silicon Steel Wastewater with Fenton Reagent
Studies on SiO2/TiO2 Complex Film of the Filter Material Carrier and its Photocatalytic Features
Study on Isolation and Degradation Mechanism of Bacteria for the Biodegradation of Microcystins (MC-LR)
Improvement of Shake Flask Fermentation Conditions for the Pseudomonas StrainN1
Study on Biological Aerated Filter (BAF) of Algae-Contained Micropolluted Water
Study on the Extraction and Purification of Microcystins (MC-LR)
Stochastic Optimization of Empty Container Repositioning of Sea Carriage
Theoretical Study on the Transport through a Quantum Dots Array with a Side Quantum Dot
GH002: A Novel and Potent Agents for Elevating HDL-Cholesterol
Fermentation Conditions Optimization of Anti-Tumor Active Metabolites from Marine Penicillium sp. HGQ6
Construction of Two Vectors for a Bypass of Monocotyledon Plants Photorespiration
Study of Supervised Segmentation Algorithm Based on Ant Colony for Putamen Region in Brain MRI
Nitric Oxide-Donating Derivatives of Chrysin Stimulate Angiogenesis and Upregulating VEGF Production
Study on Nitrogen, Phosphor and Chemical Oxygen Demand of Differnt Categories of Aquaculture Lakes by Means of Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis
Research on Temperature Compensation for Long-Period Fiber Grating with Strain Property
Identification of ZAG Protein as a Novel Serologic Biomarker Candidate for Liver Cancer
Bioinformatics Analysis of Zinc-Alpha2-Glycoprotein,a Potential Serological Marker for Hepatocellualr Carcinoma
A Density Functional Theory Study on the McLafferty-Type Rearrangement in evenElectron Ions under Electrospray Ionization (ESI) Conditions
Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique and Contrast Source Inversion Algorithm Applied in Elastic Wave Imaging
The Study of Apoptosis Induced by Allicin in HT-9/HL-60 and its Transfection Cell
Deproteinization of Polysaccharide from the Stigma Maydis by Sevag Method
Predictive S Control of AUV Based on Model of Support Vector Machine
Research on Strengthening Decomposition of Organic Nitrogen by Ammonibacteria in the Faber Cymbidium Plant Floating Island
Investigation of Real-Time Cardiac Monitoring Robert Based on CDMA Technology
Preliminary Study of Incipient Electrical Impedance Change and Detection of Brain Tissue after Ionization Injury
The Effect of Airflow Patterns on the Purification Efficiency of the Operating Room
Design and Realization of Portable ECG Monitor with Dual CPU
The Performance and Material Selection of Medical Ultrasonic Transducer
Kinetic Study on Phosphorus Adsorption, Phosphorus Desorption, Nitrification, and Denitrification by Using Mineralized Refuse
Co-Treatment of Rural Kitchen Waste and Domestic Sewage to Produce Biogas Research
Remediation of Eutrophic Water Body by Zoobenthos
Removal Properties of Nitrogen and Phosphorous in Eutrophic Water with Periphyton Attached by Artificial Substrate
Treatment of Dye Wastewater by Adsorption with Bentonite-Supported Magnetic Materials
An Improved Algorithm for Medical Image Fusion Based on Pulse Coupled Neural Networks

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