Tanvir Syed | Through White Noise | Buch | 978-94-6209-038-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 87, 144 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 191 g

Reihe: Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education

Tanvir Syed

Through White Noise

Autonarrative Exploration of Racism, Discrimination, and the Doorways to Academic Citizenship in Canada

Buch, Englisch, Band 87, 144 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 191 g

Reihe: Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education

ISBN: 978-94-6209-038-5
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

Through White Noise is structured around poetry and personal stories about living in liminal space that requires and encourages cultural sensitivity, awareness, and commitment for a just society. A prominent theme in this book is the challenge of reconciling the ideal of Canadian multiculturalism with experiences of marginalization and stereotyping. Before her arrival, Khalida imagined her new homeland as a multicultural rainbow arched over a diversity of races, beliefs and practices. Entering Winnipeg in the middle of winter, she was greeted with a white world: white people, white, snow-covered ground, white trees and a pale blue sky. Jon is a Caucasian professor from England who has a privileged position as an academic citizen. He felt responsible for enhancing his students’ awareness of their perceptions, and the role they have in their teaching practices. Reena is a South Asian professor living in Quebec whose voice is combined with other educators as they address different racisms. The book inspires readers to embrace teaching and learning relationships that respect the dynamic spaces we live in locally and globally.
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