This third volume of the Advances in Clinical Neuropsy chology series returns to the style of the first volume in that it contains contributions representing a diversity of areas. Within this diversity there are chapters covering specific disease entities of neuropsychological interest: cardiovascular diseases, Huntington's disease, head trauma in children, and hepatic encephalopathy. There are contributions in the area of neurobehavioral assessment; one involving the CT scan and the other the Luria-Ne braska Neuropsychologi cal Te st Ba ttery. Finally, there are several empirical reviews, including discussions of sex differences in brain function, the neuropsy chology of emotion, the relation between neuropsychological test results and patients' complaints of disability, and mechanisms of amnesia. Thus, this volume clearly continues the tradition established in previous volumes with regard to con~aining material that is both basic science and clinically oriented. The edi tors acknowledge the support of the Veterans Administration medical research program and the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. We also appreciate the participation and effort of the chapter authors. And finally, we must again express our gratitude to Kathy Lou Edwards for her outstanding editorial, text compos iting, and administrative efforts. February:, 1986 Gerald Goldstein, Ph.D. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Ralph E. Tarter, Ph.D.
Tarter / Goldstein
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Weitere Infos & Material
1 The Neuropsychology of Sex Differences in Human Brain Organization.- 2 CT Scan and Neuropsychological Relationships in Aging and Dementia.- 3 Neuropsychological Aspects of Cerebrovascular Disease and Its Treatment.- 4 Neuropsychological and Personality Correlates of Patients’ Complaints of Disability.- 5 The Neuropsychology of Emotional Expression.- 6 The Neuropsychology of Huntington’s Disease: Problems of Clinical-Pathological Correlation in a Progressive Brain Illness.- 7 Neuropsychological Consequences of Head Injury in Children.- 8 Hepatic Encephalopathy.- 9 Amnesia as a Processing Deficit.- 10 The Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.- List of Contributors.