The Crowning of a Poet’s Quest | Buch | 978-90-420-2638-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 108, 225 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 535 g

Reihe: Cross/Cultures

The Crowning of a Poet’s Quest

Derek Walcott’s <i>Tiepolo’s Hound</i>

Buch, Englisch, Band 108, 225 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 535 g

Reihe: Cross/Cultures

ISBN: 978-90-420-2638-4
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

This first extended study of Derek Walcott’s Tiepolo’s Hound (2000) defines the book as the culmination of the poetry and poetic of the Caribbean writer and Nobel Prize winner. In this long poem, Walcott achieves three goals pursued throughout his career: to develop an original Caribbean aesthetic; to meld the modes of poetry and prose; and to formulate the Bildung of the island-artist in terms of an ‘autobiographical’ narrative. The analysis provides an aesthetic and cultural evaluation of the poem, in terms both of the Western poetic tradition to which it refers through its rich intertextuality and of its significance as a postcolonial milestone.
The commentary locates Walcott in an aesthetic tradition running from Emerson through the American Pragmatists to modernist poets; describes his experimental use of certain central narrative strategies in his semi-autobiographical long poems, which is compared to those of another, openly admired, bilingual writer, Vladimir Nabokov; explores Walcott’s revision of the epic mode and of the genre of autobiography; delineates his unfolding of a post-Romantic internalization of the poet’s Arthurian quest; and discusses his complex treatment of the multi-layered metaphor of light as major evidence of the maturity of his style and poetic, with their conscious cross-fertilization between the literary cultures of Europe and the Caribbean.
An appendix to this study contains the transcriptions of various ‘Walcott events’ that took place in Italy in the summers of 2000 and 2001, including a creative writing seminar, a press conference, and readings. This extensive material opens a window onto Walcott’s gifts as a teacher, to his stringent yet passionate commitment to the art of poetry, and to the ways in which he and his students grapple with the challenges of literary translation.
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Weitere Infos & Material

The Poetry of Pragmatic Imagination: The Circuitous Influence of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ex-Centric Manners: Walcott and Nabokov’s New Paradigm for the Writer of the Twenty-First Century
The Escher-Effect in the Double Narrative of an Artist’s Bildung: Walcott’s Autobiography in Verse
The Quest of the Poet-Knight: Walcott’s Revision of the Arthurian Matter
The Fulfilment of the Aesthetic of Light in the Achievement of the Metaphor of Light
Appendix: Walcott in Italy, 2000–2001: Transcriptions of Recordings
Works Cited

Paola Loreto is Assistant Professor of American Literature at the Università degli Studi di Milano, and holds a doctorate from the University of Rome III. She is the author of books on Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost, and has written numerous articles on North-American and Caribbean literatures (Emerson, Nabokov, Richard Wilbur, Robert Bly, A.R. Ammons, Bernard Malamud, Chaim Potok, Sam Selvon, Michael Ondaatje, Joy Kogawa, and Jane Urquhart). A specialist in American poetry, she has translated Dickinson, William Carlos Williams, Wilbur, Philip Levine, Charles Simic, and Amy Newman. Her latest research is in American poetics.

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