The Molecular Basis of Viral Infection | Buch | 978-0-12-802461-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 458 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

The Molecular Basis of Viral Infection

Buch, Englisch, 458 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-802461-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Virology is in a sense both one of the most important precursors and one of the most significant beneficiaries of structural and cellular molecular biology. Numerous breakthroughs in our understanding of the molecular interactions of viruses with host cells are ready for translation into medically important applications such as the prevention and treatment of viral infections. This book collects a wide variety of examples of frontline research into molecular aspects of viral infections from virological, immunological, cell- and molecular-biological, structural, and theoretical perspectives.
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Researchers in different disciplines, at all levels, working on problems related to viral infection.

Weitere Infos & Material

- Unity in Diversity: Shared Mechanism of Entry Among Paramyxoviruses
Jean-Louis Palgen, Eric M. Jurgens, Anne Moscona, Matteo Porotto and Laura M. Palermo
- Alphavirus Entry into Host Cells
Ricardo Vancini, Raquel Hernandez and Dennis Brown
- The Mechanism of HCV Entry into Host Cells
Florian Douam, Dimitri Lavillette and François-Loïc Cosset
- The Evolution of HIV Interactions with Coreceptors and Mannose C-type lectin Receptors
Marie Borggren and Marianne Jansson
- A Game of Numbers: The Stoichiometry of Antibody-mediated Neutralization of Flavivirus Infection
Theodore C. Pierson and Michael S. Diamond
- TRIM21-dependent Intracellular Antibody Neutralization of Virus Infection
William A. McEwan and Leo C. James
- Picornavirus-host Interactions to Construct Viral Secretory Membranes
Alexander L. Greninger
- Retroviral Factors Promoting Infectivity
Emilia Cristiana Cuccurullo, Chiara Valentini and Massimo Pizzato
- The Cytoplasmic Tail of Retroviral Envelope Glycoproteins
Philip R. Tedbury and Eric O. Freed
- Molecular Determinants of the Ratio of Inert to Infectious Virus Particles
P.J. Klasse
- The Role of Chance in Primate Lentiviral infectivity: From Protomer to Host Organism
Roland R. Regoes and Carsten Magnus
- Virus-encoded 7 Transmembrane Receptors
Ann-Sofie Mølleskov-Jensen, Martha Trindade Oliveira, Helen Elizabeth Farrell and Nick Davis-Poynter
- EBV, the Human Host and the 7TM Receptors: Defense or Offense?
Kristine Niss Arfelt, Suzan Fares and Mette M. Rosenkilde

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