The Neo-Babylonian Ebabbar Temple at Sippar | Buch | 978-90-6258-081-1 |

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 80, 559 Seiten


The Neo-Babylonian Ebabbar Temple at Sippar

Its Administration and its Prosopography

Buch, Englisch, Band Volume 80, 559 Seiten


ISBN: 978-90-6258-081-1
Verlag: Peeters Publishers

During the Neo-Babylonian and early Achaemenid period the economic
affairs of the temples in Babylonia prospered. These economic
institutions owned land and herds in the countryside, and an elementary
manufacturing industry in the cities. Substantial parts of the large
archives of two such institutions are available for study: the Eanna
archive from Uruk and the Ebabbar archive from Sippar.
book deals with the prosopography and the structure of the inner city
organization of Ebabbar, which - from a strictly organizational point of
view - consisted of three "sections": the officials of the central
temple administration (chapter II), the prebendaries of Ebabbar (chapter
III), and the craftsmen and workmen of Ebabbar (chapter IV). Appended to
the book, prosopographical data are listed of the income lease holders
(appendix A), the five main Sippar families and their private archives
(appendix B), and the scribes attested in the Ebabbar archive (appendix
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