The Review of Symbolic Logic | Cambridge University Press | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

The Review of Symbolic Logic

ISSN 17550203

Cambridge University Press

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

ISSN 17550203
Cambridge University Press

The Review of Symbolic Logic is designed to cultivate research on the borders of logic, philosophy, and the sciences, and to support substantive interactions between these disciplines. The journal welcomes submissions in any of the following areas, broadly construed:

- The general study of logical systems and their semantics,including non-classical logics and algebraic logic;

- Philosophical logic and formal epistemology, including interactions with decision theory and game theory;

- The history, philosophy, and methodology of logic and mathematics, including the history of philosophy of logic and mathematics;

- Applications of logic to the sciences, such as computer science, cognitive science, and linguistics; and logical results addressing foundational issues in the sciences.

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