The Romantic Imagination | Buch | 978-90-420-0065-0 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 6, 454 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 230 mm

Reihe: Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature

The Romantic Imagination

Literature and Art in England and Germany

Buch, Englisch, Band 6, 454 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 230 mm

Reihe: Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature

ISBN: 978-90-420-0065-0
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

Contents: Acknowledgments. Illustrations. Frederick BURWICK: Verbal and Visual Modes of Imagination. PART I - IMAGINATION. Jürgen KLEIN: Genius, Ingenium, Imagination: Aesthetic Theories of Production from the Renaissance to Romanticism. Werner HOFMANN: "The Dark Total Idea": Schiller on the Creative Process. Horst MELLER: The Parricidal Imagination: Schiller, Blake, Fuseli and the Romantic Revolt against the Father. Gabriele ROMMEL: Imagionation in the Transcendental Poetics of Novalis. PART II - THE SISTER ARTS. Frederick BURWICK: Blake's Laocoön and Job: or, On the Boundaries of Painting and Poetry. Roswitha BURWICK: Physiology of Perception: Achim von Arnim's Practical and Historical Aesthetics. Wilhelmina L. HOTCHKISS: Grounds for Change: Wordsworth, Constable and the Uses of Place. Norma S. DAVIS: Poet and Painter: Beaumont's Illustrations in the Poetry of William Wordsworth. J. DRUMMOND BONE: Turner and Shelley: The Sense of a Comparison. PART III - THE SUBLIME AND THE PICTURESQUE. Anne K. MELLOR: Immortality or Monstrosity? Reflections on the Sublime in Romantic Literature and Art. Hans-Ulrich MOHR: The Picturesque: A Key Concept of the Eighteenth Century. Lilian R. FURST: In Other Voices: Wackenroder's Herzensergießungen and the Creation of a Romantic Mythology. PART IV - EKPHRASIS. James A.W. HEFFERNAN: Byron and Sculpture. Wolf Z. HIRST: How Dreams Become Poems: Keats's Imagined Sculpture and Re-Vision of Epic. Grant F. SCOTT: Shelley, Medusa, and the Perils of Ekphrasis. PART V - MODE, MANNER, STYLE. Barbara Maria STAFFORD: Bare versus Prismatic Style: Newton, Piranesi and Eighteenth-Century Theories of Abstraction in Art and Science. Gerald FINLEY: Pigment into Light: Turner, and Goethe's "Theory of Colours". Murray ROSTON: The Contemplative Mode. Karl KROEBER: The Clarity of the Mysterious and the Obscurity of the Familiar: Friedrich and Turner. Jörg TRAEGER: ". As if one's Eyelids had been Cut Away": Imagination in Turner, Friedrich, and David. Index.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Frederick BURWICK: Verbal and Visual Modes of Imagination

Jürgen KLEIN: Genius, Ingenium, Imagination: Aesthetic Theories of Production from the Renaissance to Romanticism
Werner HOFMANN: The Dark Total Idea: Schiller on the Creative Process
Horst MELLER: The Parricidal Imagination: Schiller, Blake, Fuseli and the Romantic Revolt against the Father
Gabriele ROMMEL: Imagionation in the Transcendental Poetics of Novalis

Frederick BURWICK: Blake's Laocoön and Job: or, On the Boundaries of Painting and Poetry
Roswitha BURWICK: Physiology of Perception: Achim von Arnim's Practical and Historical Aesthetics
Wilhelmina L. HOTCHKISS: Grounds for Change: Wordsworth, Constable and the Uses of Place
Norma S. DAVIS: Poet and Painter: Beaumont's Illustrations in the Poetry of William Wordsworth
J. DRUMMOND BONE: Turner and Shelley: The Sense of a Comparison

Anne K. MELLOR: Immortality or Monstrosity? Reflections on the Sublime in Romantic Literature and Art
Hans-Ulrich MOHR: The Picturesque: A Key Concept of the Eighteenth Century
Lilian R. FURST: In Other Voices: Wackenroder's Herzensergießungen and the Creation of a Romantic Mythology

James A.W. HEFFERNAN: Byron and Sculpture
Wolf Z. HIRST: How Dreams Become Poems: Keats's Imagined Sculpture and Re-Vision of Epic
Grant F. SCOTT: Shelley, Medusa, and the Perils of Ekphrasis

Barbara Maria STAFFORD: Bare versus Prismatic Style: Newton, Piranesi and Eighteenth-Century Theories of Abstraction in Art and Science
Gerald FINLEY: Pigment into Light: Turner, and Goethe's Theory of Colours
Murray ROSTON: The Contemplative Mode
Karl KROEBER: The Clarity of the Mysterious and the Obscurity of the Familiar: Friedrich and Turner
Jörg TRAEGER: …As if one's Eyelids had been Cut Away: Imagination in Turner, Friedrich, and David


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