Tomasi | Medical Philosophy | Buch | 978-3-8382-0975-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 510 Seiten, Print PDF, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 210 mm

Reihe: Studies in Medical Philosophy


Medical Philosophy

A Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnostics and Therapy
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
ISBN: 978-3-8382-0975-3
Verlag: ibidem

A Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnostics and Therapy

Buch, Englisch, 510 Seiten, Print PDF, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 210 mm

Reihe: Studies in Medical Philosophy

ISBN: 978-3-8382-0975-3
Verlag: ibidem

This innovative book clarifies the distinction between philosophy of medicine and medical philosophy, expanding the focus from the 'knowing that' of the first to the 'knowing how' of the latter. The idea of patient and provider self-discovery becomes the method and strategy at the basis of therapeutic treatment. It develops the concept of 'Central Medicine', aimed at overcoming the dichotomies of Western–Eastern medicine and Traditional–Integrative approaches. Evidence-based and patient-centered medicine are analyzed in the context of the debate on placebo and non-specific effects alongside clinical research on the patient-doctor relationship, and the interactive nature of human relationships in general, including factors such as environment, personal beliefs, and perspectives on life's meaning and purpose. Tomasi's research incorporates neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and medicine in a clear, readable, and detailed way, satisfying the needs of professionals, students, and anyone who enjoys the exploration of the complexity of human mind, brain, and heart.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of Figures
List of Tables
Introduction, by William Tobey Horn
1. A brief history of Medical Philosophy
2. Philosophy as basic approach to Medicine
3. Between Neuroscience and Phenomenology
4. The patient at the center of therapy
5. Complementary, Alternative, Traditional Medicine
6. Beyond the realms of this world
7. Translational science

David Låg Tomasi works in the Inpatient Psychiatry Unit at the University of Vermont Medical Center, where he also serves in the Integrative Clinical Care, Research and Education Committees for the UVM Program in Integrative Health. He teaches at the University of Vermont, Community College of Vermont, VIC, at St. Michael's College, and CVU Hinesburg.

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