Zeitschrift, Englisch
Erscheinungsweise: monatlich
Transportation Research: Part A considers papers dealing with policy analysis (design, formulation and evaluation); planning; interaction with the political, socioeconomic and physical environments; and management and evaluation of transport systems. Topics may be approached from any discipline or perspective: economics, engineering, psychology, sociology, urbanism, etc., but must have a clear policy concern or be of interest for practice, and must be based on solid research and good quality data. The journal is international, and places equal emphasis on the problems of industrialized and non-industrialized regions.
Part A's aims and scope are complementary to Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Part C: Emerging Technologies and Part D: Transport and Environment. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. The complete set forms the most cohesive and comprehensive reference of current research in transportation science.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice jetzt bestellen!
Part A's aims and scope are complementary to Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Part C: Emerging Technologies and Part D: Transport and Environment. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. The complete set forms the most cohesive and comprehensive reference of current research in transportation science.
Social and Behavioral Sciences
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