Zeitschrift, Englisch
Erscheinungsweise: monatlich
The focus of Transportation Research: Part C is high-quality, scholarly research that addresses development, applications, and implications, in the field of transportation, of emerging technologies from such fields as operations research, computer science, electronics, control systems, artificial intelligence, and telecommunications, among others. The interest is not in the individual technologies or methodologies per se, but in their ultimate implications for the planning, design, operation, control, management, maintenance and rehabilitation of transportation systems, services and components.
Of particular interest are the impacts of emerging technologies on transportation system performance, in terms of level of service, capacity, safety, reliability, resource consumption and the environment, economics and finance, privacy, standards, and liability.
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Of particular interest are the impacts of emerging technologies on transportation system performance, in terms of level of service, capacity, safety, reliability, resource consumption and the environment, economics and finance, privacy, standards, and liability.
Social and Behavioral Sciences
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