Triffterer | Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court | Buch | 978-1-84113-888-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 1200 Seiten, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 2 g


Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Observers' Notes, Article by Article
2. Auflage 2008
ISBN: 978-1-84113-888-6
Verlag: Hart Publishing

Observers' Notes, Article by Article

Buch, Englisch, 1200 Seiten, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 2 g

ISBN: 978-1-84113-888-6
Verlag: Hart Publishing

On 1st July 2008, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court entered into force enabling the ICC, as laid down in the Preamble to the Statute, to affirm "that the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole must not go unpunished and that their effective prosecution must be ensured by taking measures at national level and by enhancing international cooperation". In the second edition of their Commentary, Otto Triffterer and a number of eminent legal practitioners and scholars in the field of international criminal law give a detailed article-by-article analysis of both the Statute as well as the "Elements of Crime" and the "Rules of Procedure and Evidence", adopted by the Assembly of States Parties in 2002, and the "Regulations of the Court", adopted by the Judges of the ICC in 2004. The second edition is a substantially revised and significantly amended version of the first edition of 1999, considering the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) as well as other international, "semi-international" or national courts and the relevant literature since 1999. The Commentary will be an invaluable aid to all practitioners and scholars dealing with the Rome Statute and the jurisdiction established by its "Complementarity Regime".
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Weitere Infos & Material

PREAMBLE Morten Bergsmo/Otto Triffterer
Preliminary Remarks: The Permanent International Criminal Court - Ideal and Reality Otto Triffterer
Article 1 The Court Otto Triffterer
Article 2 Relationship of the Court with the United Nations Antonio Marchesi
Article 3 Seat of the Court Gerard A.M. Strijards
Article 4 Legal status and powers of the Court Wiebke Rückert
Article 5 Crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court Andreas Zimmermann
Article 6 Genocide William A. Schabas
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
para. 1 "Chapeau" Rodney Dixon, revised by Christopher K. Hall
para. 1 (a)-(f) Christopher K. Hall
(g) Machteld Boot, revised by Christopher K. Hall
(h) M. Boot/C. K. Hall, revised by Christopher K. Hall
(i) and (j) Christopher K. Hall
(k) Machteld Boot, revised by Christopher K. Hall
para. 2 (a) Rodney Dixon, revised by Christopher K. Hall
(b)-(e) Christopher K. Hall
(f) and (g) Machteld Boot, revised by Christopher K. Hall
(h) and (i) Christopher K. Hall
para. 3 Machteld Boot, revised by Christopher K. Hall
Article 8 War crimes
para. 1 Michael Cottier
para. 2 (a) Knut Dörmann
para. 2 (b) Preliminary Remarks Michael Cottier
(i) Knut Dörmann
(ii) Knut Dörmann
(iii) Michael Cottier
(iv) Roberta Arnold
(v) Roberta Arnold
(vi) Michael Cottier
(vii) Michael Cottier
(viii) Michael Cottier
(ix) Roberta Arnold
(x) Andreas Zimmermann
(xi) Michael Cottier
(xii) Michael Cottier
(xiii) Andreas Zimmermann
(xiv) Michael Cottier
(xv) Michael Cottier
(xvi) Andreas Zimmermann
(xvii)-(xx) Michael Cottier
(xxi) Patricia Viseur Sellers/Elizabeth Bennion
(xxii) Michael Cottier
(xxiii) Roberta Arnold
(xxiv) Roberta Arnold
(xxv) Michael Cottier
(xxvi) Michael Cottier
(c)-(f) Andreas Zimmermann
para. 3 Andreas Zimmermann
Article 9 Elements of Crimes Erkin Gadirov, revised by Roger S. Clark
Article 10 [.] Otto Triffterer
Article 11 Jurisdiction ratione temporis Sharon A. Williams
Article 12 Preconditions to the exercise of jurisdiction Sharon A. Williams/William A. Schabas
Article 13 Exercise of jurisdiction Sharon A. Williams/William A. Schabas
Article 14 Referral of a situation by a State Party Antonio Marchesi
Article 15 Prosecutor Morten Bergsmo/Jelena Pejic
Article 16 Deferral of investigation or prosecution Morten Bergsmo/Jelena Pejic
Article 17 Issues of admissibility Sharon A. Williams/William A. Schabas
Article 18 Preliminary rulings regarding admissibility Daniel D. Ntanda Nsereko
Article 19 Challenges to the jurisdiction of the Court or the admissibility of a case Christopher K. Hall
Article 20 Ne bis in idem Immi Tallgren/Astrid Reisinger Coracini
Article 21 Applicable law Margaret McAuliffe deGuzman
Article 22 Nullum crimen sine lege Bruce Broomhall
Article 23 Nulla poena sine lege William A. Schabas
Article 24 Non-retroactivity ratione personae Raul C. Pangalangan
Article 25 Individual criminal responsibility Kai Ambos
Article 26 Exclusion of jurisdiction over persons under eighteen Roger S. Clark/Otto Triffterer
Article 27 Irrelevance of official capacity Otto Triffterer
Article 28 Responsibility of commanders and other superiors Roberta Arnold/Otto Triffterer
Article 29 Non-applicability of statute of limitations William A. Schabas
Article 30 Mental element Donald K. Piragoff/Darryl Robinson
Article 31 Grounds for excluding criminal responsibility Albin Eser
Article 32 Mistake of fact or mistake of law Otto Triffterer
Article 33 Superior orders and prescription of law Otto Triffterer
Article 34 Organs of the Court Karim A.A. Khan
Article 35 Service of judges Zhu Wen-qi/Sureta Chana
Article 36 Qualifications, nomination and election of judges Zhu Wen-qi/Sureta Chana
Article 37 Judicial vacancies Zhu Wen-qi/Sureta Chana
Article 38 The Presidency Jules Deschênes?/Christopher Staker
Article 39 Chambers Jules Deschênes?/Christopher Staker
Article 40 Independence of the judges Jules Deschênes?/Christopher Staker
Article 41 Excusing and disqualification of judges Jules Deschênes?/Christopher Staker
Article 42 The Office of the Prosecutor Morten Bergsmo/Frederik Harhoff
Article 43 The Registry David Tolbert
Article 44 Staff David Tolbert/Brigitte Benoit
Article 45 Solemn undertaking David Tolbert/Brigitte Benoit
Article 46 Removal from office David Tolbert/Brigitte Benoit
Article 47 Disciplinary measures David Tolbert/Brigitte Benoit
Article 48 Privileges and immunities David Tolbert/Brigitte Benoit
Article 49 Salaries, allowances and expenses David Tolbert/Magdalini Karagiannakis
Article 50 Official and working languages David Tolbert/Magdalini Karagiannakis
Article 51 Rules of Procedure and Evidence Bruce Broomhall
Article 52 Regulations of the Court

Otto Triffterer is Professor Emeritus of the University of Salzburg.

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