Trollope | Anthony Trollope | Buch | 978-1-4438-1337-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 15412 Seiten


Anthony Trollope

The Major Works in 53 Volumes

Buch, Englisch, 15412 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-1337-2
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Anthony Trollope was one of the most popular writers of his generation, the one between Dickens and Thackeray on the one hand and such late Victorians as Stevenson and Wilde on the other which saw the greatest popularity and social standing of the Victorian literary novel. However, his posthumous reputation suffered at the hands of fellow novelists who thought him pedestrian, and critics after his death who presumed that no-one so prolific, and able to work to so rigid a schedule, could be inspired. Yet he is now undergoing a critical revival, revealing a daringly progressive thinker on social issues and a fearless and pointed satirist, as well as the well-known masterful and loving drawer of character. The contemporary comparisons with Austen, and Trollope's own proclamation of Thackeray as his master, are being belatedly rejustified.

This edition collects all of Trollope's major novels and a selection of his short stories, plus his autobiography, his substantial work on the USA written from first-hand research during the Civil War and the biography and critical appreciation of the writer he most revered, Thackeray. All the texts have been newly typeset for this edition. The contents of the volumes are as follows:

Volume 1 (201 pp.): An Autobiography
Volume 2 (396 pp.): The Kellys and the O'Kellys
Volume 3 (384 pp.): La Vendée
Volume 4 (170 pp.): The Warden
Volume 5 (378 pp.): Barchester Towers
Volume 6 (254 pp.): Doctor Thorne Vol. I
Volume 7 (261 pp.): Doctor Thorne Vol. II
Volume 8 (383 pp.): Framley Parsonage
Volume 9 (305 pp.): The Small House at Allington Vol. I
Volume 10 (275 pp.): The Small House at Allington Vol. II
Volume 11 (367 pp.): The Last Chronicle of Barset Vol. I
Volume 12 (397 pp.): The Last Chronicle of Barset Vol. II
Volume 13 (397 pp.): The Three Clerks
Volume 14 (400 pp.): Castle Richmond
Volume 15 (354 pp.): Orley Farm Vol. I
Volume 16 (357 pp.): Orley Farm Vol. II
Volume 17 (360 pp.): Can You Forgive Her? Vol. I
Volume 18 (348 pp.): Can You Forgive Her? Vol. II
Volume 19 (300 pp.): Phineas Finn Vol. I
Volume 20 (304 pp.): Phineas Finn Vol. II
Volume 21 (309 pp.): The Eustace Diamonds Vol. I
Volume 22 (311 pp.): The Eustace Diamonds Vol. II
Volume 23 (293 pp.): Phineas Redux Vol. I
Volume 24 (292 pp.): Phineas Redux Vol. II
Volume 25 (318 pp.): The Prime Minister Vol. I
Volume 26 (325 pp.): The Prime Minister Vol. II
Volume 27 (256 pp.): The Duke's Children Vol. I
Volume 28 (298 pp.): The Duke's Children Vol. II
Volume 29 (320 pp.): Miss Mackenzie
Volume 30 (360 pp.): The Belton Estate
Volume 31 (400 pp.): The Claverings
Volume 32 (170 pp.): Nina Balatka
Volume 33 (394 pp.): He Knew He Was Right Vol. I
Volume 34 (381 pp.): He Knew He Was Right Vol. II
Volume 35 (398 pp.): Ralph the Heir
Volume 36 (157 pp.): The Golden Lion of Granpere
Volume 37 (107 pp.): Harry Heathcote of Gangoil; George Walker at Suez
Volume 38 (395 pp.): The Way We Live Now Vol. I
Volume 39 (394 pp.): The Way We Live Now Vol. II
Volume 40 (180 pp.): The American Senator Vol. I
Volume 41 (171 pp.): The American Senator Vol. II
Volume 42 (173 pp.): The American Senator Vol. III
Volume 43 (393 pp.): John Caldigate
Volume 44 (182 pp.): An Eye for an Eye; Aaron Trow
Volume 45 (164 pp.): Cousin Henry
Volume 46 (171 pp.): Dr. Wortle's School
Volume 47 (174 pp.): Kept in the Dark
Volume 48 (236 pp.): Mr. Scarborough's Family Vol. I
Volume 49 (258 pp.): Mr. Scarborough's Family Vol. II
Volume 50 (171 pp.): An Old Man's Love
Volume 51 (271 pp.): North America Vol. I
Volume 52 (264 pp.): North America Vol. II
Volume 53 (135 pp.): Thackeray
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Trollope, Anthony
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) started his writing career while working in Ireland as a postal surveyor. Travelling around the country, Trollope gained knowledge of the country and its people which proved to be useful material for his first two novels, The Macdermots of Ballycloran (1847) and The Kellys and the O'Kellys (1848). Trollope soon started writing fiercely, producing a series entitled Chronicles of Barsetshire. The Warden, the first in the series, was published in 1855. Barchester Towers (1857), the comic masterpiece, Doctor Thorne (1858), Framley Parsonage (1861), The Small House at Allington (1864) and The Last Chronicle of Barset (1867) followed, portraying events in an imaginary English county of Barsetshire. In 1867, Trollope left the Post Office to run as a candidate for the Parliament. Having lost at the elections, Trollope focused on his writing. A satire from his later writing, The Way We Live Now (1875) is often viewed as Trollope's major work, however, his popularity and writing reputation diminished at the later stage of his life. Anthony Trollope died in London in 1882.

Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) started his writing career while working in Ireland as a postal surveyor. Travelling around the country, Trollope gained knowledge of the country and its people which proved to be useful material for his first two novels, The Macdermots of Ballycloran (1847) and The Kellys and the O'Kellys (1848). Trollope soon started writing fiercely, producing a series entitled Chronicles of Barsetshire. The Warden, the first in the series, was published in 1855. Barchester Towers (1857), the comic masterpiece, Doctor Thorne (1858), Framley Parsonage (1861), The Small House at Allington (1864) and The Last Chronicle of Barset (1867) followed, portraying events in an imaginary English county of Barsetshire. In 1867, Trollope left the Post Office to run as a candidate for the Parliament. Having lost at the elections, Trollope focused on his writing. A satire from his later writing, The Way We Live Now (1875) is often viewed as Trollope's major work, however, his popularity and writing reputation diminished at the later stage of his life. Anthony Trollope died in London in 1882.

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