Tsoulfas / Bangeas / Suri | 3D Printing: Applications in Medicine and Surgery | Buch | 978-0-323-66164-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 352 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 360 g

Tsoulfas / Bangeas / Suri

3D Printing: Applications in Medicine and Surgery

Erscheinungsjahr 2019
ISBN: 978-0-323-66164-5
Verlag: Mosby US

Buch, Englisch, 352 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 360 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-66164-5
Verlag: Mosby US

Recent advances and technologies in 3D printing have improved and expanded applications for surgery, biomedical engineering, and nanotechnology. In this concise new title, Drs. Georgios Tsoulfas, Petros I. Bangeas, and Jasjit S. Suri synthesize state-of-the-art information on 3D printing and provide guidance on the optimal application in today's surgical practice, from evaluation of the technology to virtual reality and future opportunities.

- Includes expert guidance on the challenges, opportunities, and limitations of 3D printing in the field of surgery.

- Covers patient and surgical education, ethics and intellectual property, quality and safety, 3D printing as it relates to nanotechnology, tissue engineering, virtual augmented reality, and more.

- Consolidates today's available information in this rapidly growing area into a single convenient resource.

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Weitere Infos & Material

1.Introduction2.The long and winding road from the film to the bedside3.3D printing: Shedding light into the Surgical Education4.3D Printing and Bioprinting: Ethical and Legal Issues5.Quality and safety in medical 3D printing6.Economics in 3D printing 7.3D printing and Liver Transplantation8.3D printing in Cardiac surgery9.3D printing in Vascular surgery10.3D printing in orthopaedic Surgery11.The role of 3D printing in ENT surgery12.Challenges, Opportunities and limitations in 3D printing

Suri, Jasjit S.
Dr. Jasjit Suri, PhD, MBA, is an innovator, visionary, scientist, and internationally known world leader. Dr Suri received the Director General's Gold medal in 1980 and Fellow of (i) American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, awarded by the National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, (ii) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (iii) American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, (iv) Society of Vascular Medicine, (v) Asia Pacific Vascular Society, and (vi) Asia Association of Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Suri was honored with life time achievement awards by Marcus, NJ, USA and Graphics Era University, Dehradun, India. He has published nearly 300 peer-reviewed Artificial Intelligence articles, nearly 2000 Google Scholar Publications, 100 books, and 100 innovations/trademarks leading to an H-index of nearly 100 with about 43,000 citations. He has held positions as chairman of AtheroPoint, CA, USA, IEEE Denver section, Colorado, USA, and advisory board member to healthcare industries and several universities in the United States of America and abroad.

Suri, Jasjit S.
Dr. Jasjit Suri, PhD, MBA, is an innovator, visionary, scientist, and internationally known world leader. Dr Suri received the Director General's Gold medal in 1980 and Fellow of (i) American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, awarded by the National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, (ii) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (iii) American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, (iv) Society of Vascular Medicine, (v) Asia Pacific Vascular Society, and (vi) Asia Association of Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Suri was honored with life time achievement awards by Marcus, NJ, USA and Graphics Era University, Dehradun, India. He has published nearly 300 peer-reviewed Artificial Intelligence articles, nearly 2000 Google Scholar Publications, 100 books, and 100 innovations/trademarks leading to an H-index of nearly 100 with about 43,000 citations. He has held positions as chairman of AtheroPoint, CA, USA, IEEE Denver section, Colorado, USA, and advisory board member to healthcare industries and several universities in the United States of America and abroad.

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