Tuba / Akashe / Joshi | ICT Systems and Sustainability | Buch | 978-981-97-8536-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 1163, 500 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

Reihe: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Tuba / Akashe / Joshi

ICT Systems and Sustainability

Proceedings of ICT4SD 2024, Volume 5

Buch, Englisch, Band 1163, 500 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

Reihe: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

ISBN: 978-981-97-8536-0
Verlag: Springer

This book proposes new technologies and discusses future solutions for ICT design infrastructures, as reflected in high-quality papers presented at the 8th International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD 2024), held in Goa, India, on 8–9 August 2024. The book covers the topics such as big data and data mining, data fusion, IoT programming toolkits and frameworks, green communication systems and network, use of ICT in smart cities, sensor networks and embedded system, network and information security, wireless and optical networks, security, trust, and privacy, routing and control protocols, cognitive radio and networks, and natural language processing. Bringing together experts from different countries, the book explores a range of central issues from an international perspective.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Study on Individual Households' Level of Awareness Regarding the Adoption of Solar Panels.- Human Sound Detection for Multiple Disease Classification using CNN.- Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN) (Bhu-Aadhaar) in Land Records.- Guarding Inboxes: An NLP-based Approach for Email Spam Detection.- A Deep Learning Approach for Early Detection and Classification of Mango Leaf Diseases for Sustainable Agriculture.- Heart Disease Prediction Using Different Different Machine Learning Approaches.- Detection of Age-Related Macular Degeneration using Machine Learning and Deep Learning: A Systematic Review.- Clinical decision support system for multiple diseases.- A Comprehensive Analysis of Pre-trained NLP Models.- Mineworkers Fatigue Detection Using Machine Learning based Techniques.- Strengthening Crisis Response with Organizational Resilience Strategies to Achieve Sustainability.- Sentiment Analysis on Indian Stock Market Using StockTwits Tweets: A Machine Learning Approach.- A study on the perceptions and factors influencing the current utilisation of Technology-Based Audit Techniques (TBAT).- Comparative Analysis of Object Detection Architectures.- Advanced User Interface for Cardiovascular Risk Forecasting using Artificial Neural Network.- Convolutional Speech verification: Detecting synthetic speech using deep learning.- Efficient Text Summarization with Hierarchical Neural Auto-Encoders.- E-Governance Through Enhanced ICT Strategies Insights from Sentiment Analysis.- DishKit - Integrated Dish Preparation and Ingredient Delivery System.- Understanding User Attitudes and Intentions Towards using Robo-Advisors for Wealth Management in India.- Innovative Approaches to Mental Health: Chatbot Engagement and NLP for Detection and Support.- Neural Network-Powered Image Captioning: Generating Descriptive Text for Visual Content.- Innovativeness or Competence: A Self-Determination Theory Model of How Students Use Generative AI in Higher Education.- Exploring Trust Factors in Virtual Finance: The Role of Human-Computer Interaction in Shaping UserIntentions in Metaverse Banking.- Multi Noise Classification in Images Using Fast- Fourier Transform and Power Spectrum Density.- Campus Connect- A Centralized Hub for Club Announcement’s and Community Engagement with Analytics.- Customer Segmentation And Purchase Prediction System.- Investigating the Efficacy of Gradient Boosting for Skin Type Classification.- Blockchain Driven Auction App.- Designing and Analyzing a Wrist Splint for Rheumatoid Arthritis Rehabilitation.- Next-Generation Digital Forensics: Leveraging AI for Effective Cyber-security Solutions.

Milan Tuba was born in Lucani in 1952. Completed primary and secondary education in Osijek. He received BS in Mathematics, MS in Mathematics, MS in Computer Science, MPh in Computer Science, PhD in Computer Science from University of Belgrade and New York University. From 1983 to 1994 he was in the USA first as a graduate student as well as teaching and research assistant at Vanderbilt University in Nashville and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University and later as assistant professor of Electrical Engineering at Cooper Union Graduate School of Engineering, New York. During that time, he was the founder and director of Microprocessor Lab and VLSI Lab, leader of scientific projects and supervisor of many theses. Since returning from the USA in 1994, he has been a participant in the scientific projects of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia, currently on the project Project III-44006. He taught more than 20 graduate and undergraduate courses, from VLSI Design and Computer Architecture to Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Image Processing, Calculus and Queuing Theory. His research interests include mathematical, queuing theory and heuristic optimizations applied to computer networks, image processing and combinatorial problems. Currently, mentor in a group of five students working in the field of heuristic optimization methods based on the intelligence of swarms. He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers and a monograph. Mr Tuba held ten plenary lectures at conferences at Harvard, Cambridge, Moscow, Paris and Istanbul. He is also a coeditor, a member of the editorial board, scientific committee member or a reviewer for several international journals and conferences. Member of international and scientific organizations: ACM, IEEE, AMS, SIAM and FNA. Currently he is the Vice Rector for Singidunum University, Serbia.

Shyam Akashe is Professor at ITM University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. He completed his Ph.D. at Thapar University, Punjab, an

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