Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Congress of Technical Diagnostics, September 3-5, 2012, Krakow, Poland
Buch, Englisch, 378 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 800 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-889-9
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface, ProgramCommittee and Acknowledgment
Analysis of Possibility of Use Peltier Modules in Task of Energy Scavenging
Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Damage Indices Classification with the Use of Lamb Waves for the Aerospace Structures
Application of Vision Based Damage Detection for Real Civil Engineering Structure
Comparative Study of Instantaneous Frequency Extraction in Nonlinear Acoustics Used for Structural Damage Detection
Damage Detection in RAPTOR Telescope Systems Using Time-Frequency Analysis Methods
Damage Detection in Riveted Aircraft Elements Based on the Electromechanical Impedance Measurements
Determination of the Penetration Depth of Eddy Currents in Defectoscopic Tests
Development Environment for Diagnostic Multimodal Statement Networks
Development of the Strain Sensors Based on CNT/Epoxy Using Screen Printing
Diagnostics and Transversal Vibrations Control of Rotating Beam by Means of Campbell Diagrams
Diagnostics of the Mechatronic Rotating System
Empirical Mode Decomposition of Vibration Signal for Detection of Local Disturbances in Planetary Gearbox Used in Heavy Machinery System
Energy Diagnosis of the Structure of the Demolition Hammer with WoSSo Vibroisolation of a Biomechanical System
Example of Diagnostic Inference Based on Uncertain and Partly Inconsistent Data with Application of the Approximate Statement Network
Identification of the Water-Cooled Fuel Injectors for Engines
Impact of Changing Temperature on Lamb Wave Propagation for Damage Detection
Influence of the Indicator Channel and Indicator Valve on the Heat Release Characteristics of Medium Speed Marine Diesel Engines
Local Interaction Simulation Approach vs. Finite Element Modelling for Fault Detection in Medical Ultrasonic Transducer
Machine Learning Applications for a Wind Turbine Blade under Continuous Fatigue Loading
Modeling the Effects of Underwater Detonation Wave
New Focus on Gearbox Condition Monitoring for Failure Prevention Technology
Nonlinear Acoustics in Non-Destructive Testing - From Theory to Experimental Application
Object-Relational Model of Experimental Studies of Impact of Climatic Conditions on the Work of a Bi-Fuel Engine
Online Fault Diagnosis of Automotive Powernets by Kalman Filtering
Parametric Time-Frequency Map and its Processing for Local Damage Detection in Rotating Machinery
Possibilities of Using Vibration Signals for the Identification of Pressure Level in Tires with Application of Neural Networks Classification
Power Plant Remaining Life Evaluation
Recent Research on Thermal Fatigue of Composite Elements of Transport Means
Remote Monitoring of Fatigue Cracks Growth in the Aircraft Structure Based on Active Piezosensor Network during the Full Scale Fatigue Test
Simulation and Analysis of Vibration of Rolling Bearing
Simulation and Laboratory Studies on the Influence of Selected Engineering and Operational Parameters on Gear Transmission Vibroactivity
The Ideal Final Result and Contradiction Matrix for Machine Condition Monitoring with TRIZ
The Method for Identification of Damping Coefficient of the Trucks Suspension
The Rise and Fall of CBM (Condition Based Maintenance)
Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Oil-Free Bearings and their Application in Diagnostics of High-Speed Turbomachinery
Triple Correlation Technique for Damage Detection in Composite Materials
Uncertainty Analysis in Structural Dynamics
Use of Neural Networks in Diagnostics of Rolling-Element Bearing of the Induction Motor
Wavelet-Based Variance Analysis for Condition Monitoring of Gears
Wireless Passive RFID-Based Sensor for Crack Detection - Second Stage of Investigations