Uomoto | Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering 2000 | Buch | 978-0-08-043717-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 696 Seiten, Format (B × H): 165 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1400 g


Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering 2000

Buch, Englisch, 696 Seiten, Format (B × H): 165 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1400 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-043717-0
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

The first international symposium on NDT-CE (Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering) was held in Berlin, Germany in 1991. Successive symposia were held throughout Europe until 1997. This, the 5th symposium is organized as SEIKEN SYMPOSIUM No. 26, and is sponsored by the Institute of Industrial Science, at the University of Tokyo, Japan.
Original objectives of the NDT-CE symposium have been to provide an opportunity for discussing current issues and future perspectives of NDT and for promoting mutual understanding among engineers and researchers.
Asia is one of the key regions for further development in NDT and this symposium in Japan will be a good opportunity not only to exchange technical information on NDT, but to promote worldwide friendship between engineers in Asian countries and other nations of the world. This volume contains 70 papers providing the most recent research results and findings. The papers are grouped under the following areas: (1) keynote papers, (2) magnetic / electric, (3) steel structures, (4) integrated test, (5) moisture, (6) strength, (7) acoustic emission, (8) various tests, (9) ultrasonic, (10) impact echo, (11) radar, (12) quality and (13) corrosion / cover.
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Chapter headings and selected papers: Preface. Keynote Papers. Non-destructive testing for steel bridges in Japan (C. Miki, H. Shirahata). Magnetic / Electric. Inversion of borehole magnetic survey data for estimating the depth of pile (Y.H. Cha, J.H. Suh). Steel Structures. Fatigue crack propagation monitoring in steel structures with intelligent systems (M.S. Rahman et al.). Integrated Test. Investigation on several non-destructive inspection methods about strength degradation of reinforced concrete beam (T. Tomokiyo et al.). Moisture. Moisture measurements in building materials with microwaves (H. Kaariainen et al.). Strength. New test method for pullout strength for the hardend concrete using post settled pullbolt (M. Arazoe et al.). Acoustic Emission. Evaluation of fatigue damage in reinforced concrete slab by acoustic emission (S. Yuyama et al.). Ultrasonic. Measurements of thickness and crack depth in concrete by ultrasonic methods (T. Yamaguchi, T. Yamaguchi). Various Tests. Determination of thermophysical parameters of building components and buildings (A. Donath). Impact Echo. Automated impact-echo and method improvement: 2- and 3-D imaging of concrete elements (C. Colla et al.). Radar. GPR calibration facility (I.L. Al-Qadi et al.). Quality. A quality control method of thick embankment by a falling weight test (K. Oniki et al.). Corrosion/Cover. Macrocell sensor systems for monitoring of the corrosion risk. Author index. Keyword index.

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