Vacca / Ellis | Firewalls | Buch | 978-1-55558-297-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

Vacca / Ellis


Jumpstart for Network and Systems Administrators
Erscheinungsjahr 2004
ISBN: 978-1-55558-297-5
Verlag: Digital Press

Jumpstart for Network and Systems Administrators

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-1-55558-297-5
Verlag: Digital Press

In this book, you will gain extensive hands-on experience installing and configuring a firewall. You will also learn how to allow access to key Web services while maintaining your organization's security, as well as how to implement firewall-to-firewall virtual private networks (VPNs). You will learn how to build a firewall to protect your network; provide access to HTTP and FTP services on the Internet, and implement publicly accessible servers without compromising security. Furthermore, throughout the book, extensive hands-on examples provide you with practical experience in establishing security with firewalls. Examples include, but are not limited to: Installing and configuring Check Point FireWall-1; scanning to validate configuration using ISS Internet Scanner; configuring the firewall to support simple and complex Web services; setting up a packet filtering router; enhancing firewall configurations to support split-DNS; authenticating remote users; and protecting browsers and servers with a proxy-based firewall.

· Install and configure proxy-based and stateful-filtering firewalls

· Protect internal IP addresses with NAT and deploy a secure DNS architecture

· Develop an Internet/intranet security policy to protect your organization's systems and data

· Reduce your susceptibility to an attack by deploying firewalls, data encryption and decryption and other countermeasures

Vacca / Ellis Firewalls jetzt bestellen!


System administrators, government computer security officials, network administrators

Weitere Infos & Material

Firewalls: What Are They?; Type Of Security Policy; Firewall Types; Choosing The Right Firewall; Firewall Topologies; Installation Preparation; Firewall Configuration; Simple Policy Implementation; Complex Services Management; Filtering Content; Publicly Accessible Servers Implementation; Architecture Selection; External Servers Protection; Firewall Architecture DNS Customization; Network Address Translation (NAT) Deployment; Privacy And Authentication; Tunneling: Firewall-to-Firewall; Auditing And Logging; Firewall Administration; Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Vacca, John R.
John Vacca is an information technology consultant, researcher, professional writer, Editor, reviewer, and internationally-known best-selling author based in Pomeroy, Ohio. Since 1982, John has authored/edited 79 books (some of his most recent books include): - Security in the Private Cloud (Publisher: CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC) (September 1, 2016))
- Cloud Computing Security: Foundations and Challenges (Publisher: CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC) (August 19, 2016))
- Handbook of Sensor Networking: Advanced Technologies and Applications (Publisher: CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC) (January 14, 2015))
- Network and System Security, Second Edition, 2E (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (September 23, 2013))
- Cyber Security and IT Infrastructure Protection (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (September 23, 2013))
- Managing Information Security, Second Edition, 2E (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (September 23, 2013))
- Computer and Information Security Handbook, 2E (Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (May 31, 2013))
- Identity Theft (Cybersafety) (Publisher: Chelsea House Pub (April 1, 2012))
- System Forensics, Investigation, And Response (Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning (September 24, 2010))
- Managing Information Security (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (March 29, 2010))
- Network and Systems Security (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (March 29, 2010))
- Computer and Information Security Handbook, 1E (Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (June 2, 2009))
- Biometric Technologies and Verification Systems (Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology Books (March 16, 2007))
- Practical Internet Security (Hardcover): (Publisher: Springer (October 18, 2006))
- Optical Networking Best Practices Handbook (Hardcover): (Publisher: Wiley-Interscience (November 28, 2006))
- Guide to Wireless Network Security (Publisher: Springer (August 19, 2006))

He has written more than 600 articles in the areas of advanced storage, computer security and aerospace technology (copies of articles and books are available upon request).

John was also a configuration management specialist, computer specialist, and the computer security official (CSO) for NASA's space station program (Freedom) and the International Space Station Program, from 1988 until his retirement from NASA in 1995.

In addition, John is also an independent online book reviewer. Finally, John was one of the security consultants for the MGM movie titled: "AntiTrust," which was released on January 12, 2001. A detailed copy of Johns author bio can be viewed at URL: John can be reached at:

Ellis, Scott
Scott Ellis is an independent consultant based in Chicago.

Vacca, John R.
John Vacca is an information technology consultant, researcher, professional writer, Editor, reviewer, and internationally-known best-selling author based in Pomeroy, Ohio. Since 1982, John has authored/edited 79 books (some of his most recent books include): - Security in the Private Cloud (Publisher: CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC) (September 1, 2016))
- Cloud Computing Security: Foundations and Challenges (Publisher: CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC) (August 19, 2016))
- Handbook of Sensor Networking: Advanced Technologies and Applications (Publisher: CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC) (January 14, 2015))
- Network and System Security, Second Edition, 2E (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (September 23, 2013))
- Cyber Security and IT Infrastructure Protection (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (September 23, 2013))
- Managing Information Security, Second Edition, 2E (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (September 23, 2013))
- Computer and Information Security Handbook, 2E (Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (May 31, 2013))
- Identity Theft (Cybersafety) (Publisher: Chelsea House Pub (April 1, 2012))
- System Forensics, Investigation, And Response (Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning (September 24, 2010))
- Managing Information Security (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (March 29, 2010))
- Network and Systems Security (Publisher: Syngress (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (March 29, 2010))
- Computer and Information Security Handbook, 1E (Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.) (June 2, 2009))
- Biometric Technologies and Verification Systems (Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology Books (March 16, 2007))
- Practical Internet Security (Hardcover): (Publisher: Springer (October 18, 2006))
- Optical Networking Best Practices Handbook (Hardcover): (Publisher: Wiley-Interscience (November 28, 2006))
- Guide to Wireless Network Security (Publisher: Springer (August 19, 2006))

He has written more than 600 articles in the areas of advanced storage, computer security and aerospace technology (copies of articles and books are available upon request).

John was also a configuration management specialist, computer specialist, and the computer security official (CSO) for NASA's space station program (Freedom) and the International Space Station Program, from 1988 until his retirement from NASA in 1995.

In addition, John is also an independent online book reviewer. Finally, John was one of the security consultants for the MGM movie titled: "AntiTrust," which was released on January 12, 2001. A detailed copy of Johns author bio can be viewed at URL: John can be reached at:

Ellis, Scott
Scott Ellis is an independent consultant based in Chicago.

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