Vambol / Khan / Mozaffari | Advances in Energy from Waste | Buch | 978-0-443-13847-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Vambol / Khan / Mozaffari

Advances in Energy from Waste

Transformation Methods, Applications and Limitations Under Sustainability
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-0-443-13847-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Transformation Methods, Applications and Limitations Under Sustainability

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-13847-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Advances of Energy from Waste: Transformation Methods, Applications and Limitations Under Sustainability provides advanced, systematic information on the environmental transformation of waste and pollutants of various origins into useful products, contributing to the development of the local economy and increasing the sustainability of the energy sector. In addition, remarkable competences in design, performance, efficiency, and implementation of diverse systems utilized for waste energy recovery are evaluated. The book also includes recent advances in biomass-derived green catalysts for various catalytic applications, along with the challenges of controlled synthesis and the impact of morphological, physical, and chemical properties on their adsorption or desorption capability.
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Section-I (Waste Management Priorities) 1. Introduction 2. Characteristics of Typical Wastes of Various Genesis 3. Main Factors of Negative Impact of Waste Accumulation 4. Type of Industries, Waste Options and Their Potential5. Environmental Toxicities Due to the Accumulation, Processing and Destruction of Waste, Assessment Methods and Levels. 6. Health Risks Associated with the Accumulation and Processing of Waste 6.1 Pollution Load and its Assessment 6.2 Immediate Health Risk Section-II (Waste to Energy and Resources Recovery) 7. Necessity to Recover Energy from Waste in Circular Bioeconomy 8. Possible Roadmap for the Circular Economy Using Waste-to-Energy Technologies 9. Waste to Energy Plant Around Globe: A Case Study Using Technoeconomic Analysis 10. Waste Recycling and Energy Production and its Future Scope. 11. Plastic/ Solid Waste Recycling for Energy Production: Case Studies. 12. Biowaste Biorefineries and Circular Bioeconomy 13. Critical Factors Affecting MSW Management Strategies and Waste to Energy Generation 14. Possible Roadmap for the Circular Economy Using Waste-to-Energy Technologies 15. Greenhouse Gases Emissions of the Studied WtE Routes and Importance in Circular Bioeconomy 15.1 Need and Basics of Utilizing GHG as Part of UN Sustainability Project 16. Biological Conversion into Bioethanol and Biodiesel of Municipal Biowaste and Future Prospective w.r.t to Circular Economy Section-III (UN Sustainability Aspect of Waste to Energy) 17. Industry 4.0 Based Solid Waste Management and Future Prospect in Circular Economy 18. Plastic Waste Management Techniques and WtE Consideration in Developing Countries. 19. Sustainability Transitions of Urban Food-Energy-Water-Waste Infrastructure and WtE Prospective in Line City: Futuristic Case Studies. 20. Synergies and Interactions in Urban Waste to Energy Generation in Circular Economy 21. Legal Aspects and Problems of Legislation in the Field of Solid Waste Management in Some Developing Countries of Europe and Asia Section-IV (Case Studies) 22. Case Studies on the Use of Waste in the Production of Agricultural Biogas in Poland. 23. Case Studies of Atmospheric Protection in Thermal Waste Treatment. 23.1 Pollution Load and Its Assessment 23.2 Protective Practices and Technologies that Reduce Health Risks 24. Case Studies of Obtaining Compost to Increase Yields 24.1 Features and Difficulties of Processes, and Its Evaluation of Effectiveness 24.2 Immediate Health Risk 24.3 Waste Management Aspect of Mining Waste and Its Resource Recovery 25. Case Studies of the Waste Potential of Some Developing Countries (Asia, Africa, Iran, and India). 26. Case Studies of the Legislative Framework for Realizing the Potential of Waste and Protecting the Environment in Relation to Their Generation and Use 27. Final Remarks and Perspectives for the Future.

Mozaffari, Nastaran
Nastaran Mozaffari has the master's degree in environmental engineering from the Science and Research Branch, I. Azad University of Tehran, Iran. Her fields of work and study are the use of nanotechnology in water, air, and soil treatments, and totally environmentally interdisciplinary areas related to material science & environmental science and engineering. She is currently working as a research assistant at the Science and Research Branch, I. Azad University of Tehran as well as an editorial board member of the environmental part of the journal of "Labour Protection Problems in Ukraine "in Kyiv, Ukraine. Now, she has several patents and research articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

Vambol, Viola
Prof. Viola Vambol began research in the Waste Management and Environmental Engineering field in 1999, and since 2001 has been actively involved in teaching activities. She has obtained the Doctor of Science in Environmental Safety in 2016. She received the conferment diploma of academic degree Professor (Full) in Occupational Safety, Health, Technogenic, Environmental Safety in 2018. She was a member of 8 research projects & the head of a research project. For all the scientific and pedagogical experience, she prepared more than 50 masters who received a diploma with honors, published more than 190 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 7 monographs and 9 patents.

Vambol, Sergij
Dr. Prof. Sergij Vambol was educated as a Mechanical Engineer in 1994. He has obtained the Doctor of Science in Environmental Safety in 2014. He received the conferment diploma of academic degree Professor (Full) in Applied Mechanics in 2015. Since 2004, he has been working on research and development programs in Environmental Engineering, and he has been involved in teaching to masters and graduate students. He was the head of 10 scientific research projects in this field. He led four graduate students and doctoral students on various topics of Environmental Engineering. For all the scientific experience, he published over 200 scientific and educational works, including 10 monographs & 17 patents.

Khan, Nadeem A
Dr. Nadeem A Khan is currently working as an assistant professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Mewat Engineering College, in India. Previously he was Head of Department from 2014 to 2017. He completed his Ph.D. from Jamia Millia Islamia University in 2022. He received his M.Tech. (Civil Engineering) with honours in Environmental Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University, India in 2011. He has acted as an editorial board member for Nature on Scientific Reports and worked with Springer on a special issue in the Discover Water Journal. He was awarded the Best Young Scientist Award (Male) by LWT India and GECL for his Scientific contribution to Environmental Engineering. He has published four books with international publishers, 64 papers in SCI journals, and has also published more than 10 PATENTS in civil Engineering and water treatment.

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