Soen, Violet
Dr. Violet Soen is Associate Professor for Early Modern History at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Leuven.
Verwijs, Sjaak
Sjaak Verwijs is PhD student at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Besides, he is director of the Bond van Nederlandse Predikanten.
Albisser, Ariane
Ariane Albisser is Teaching Assistent for Church History at the University of Zurich.
Vlastuin, Willem van
Willem van Vlastuin is professor of Theology and Spirituality of Reformed Protestantism at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and dean of the Hersteld Hervormd Seminary there.
Huijgen, Arnold
Arnold Huijgen is Professor of Dogmatics at the Protestant Theological University in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He is the secretary of the Presidium of the International Calvin Congress.
Rasmussen, Tarald
Tarald Rasmussen ist Professor für Kirchengeschichte an der Universität Oslo.
Wegener, Pauline
Pauline Wegener is Research Master's student Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Utrecht University.
Sinnema, Donald
Donald Sinnema is Professor of Theology Emeritus at Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, Illinois.
van den Broeke, Leon
Leon van den Broeke is Senior Lecturer Theology of Law and Church Polity at Theologische Universiteit Kampen and Associate Professor Religion, Law and Society at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Tóth, Zsombor
Dr. Zsombor Tóth is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Literary Studies at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Hildebrand, Pierrick
Pierrick Hildebrand is an associate researcher at the Swiss Reformation Studies Institute of the University of Zurich.
de Jong, Klaas-Willem
Klaas-Willem de Jong is assistant professor of church polity at the Protestant Theological University Amsterdam.
van den Belt, Henk
Henk van den Belt is professor of systematic theology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Velde, Dolf te
Dolf te Velde is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Theological University Kampen and Associate Professor of Historical Theology at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven.
Wassilowsky, Günther
Dr. Günther Wassilowsky ist Professor für Kirchengeschichte an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Ryrie, Alec
Alec Ryrie is Professor of the History of Christianity at Durham University.
van Sluis, Jacob
Jacob van Sluis studied theology and philosophy at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Until his retirement, he worked as a subject librarian at this university and at Tresoar in Leeuwarden.
Frank, Günter
Dr. Günter Frank ist Direktor der Europäischen Melanchthon-Akademie Bretten und außerplanmäßiger Professor am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
Ha, Polly
Polly Ha is Associate Professor of the History of Christianity at Duke Divinity School in Durham, North Carolina.
Rouwendal, Pieter
Pieter Rouwendal is publisher at Summum Academic, Methodologist at Theological University Apeldoorn, and Associate Researcher at Theological University Kampen.
Belt, Henk van den
Henk van den Belt is professor of systematic theology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
van Vlastuin, Willem
Willem van Vlastuin is professor of Theology and Spirituality of Reformed Protestantism at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and dean of the Hersteld Hervormd Seminary there.
Grell, Ole Peter
Ole Peter Grell is Emeritus Professor of Early Modern History at Open University in the United Kingdom.
Brown, Christopher B.
Dr. Christopher B. Brown is Associate Professor of Church History at Boston University.
Koopman, Bert
Bert Koopman is PhD student at Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn. Besides, he is active for the journal Documentatieblad Nadere Reformatie and the Research Center Puritanism and Piety.
Smit, Johannes
Johannes Smit is assistant-professor in Church Polity at the North-West University (NWU), and connected to the Theological School of the Reformed Churches in South Africa.
Blaauw, Corné
Corné Blaauw is Senior Pastor of Kraaifontein Baptist Church, Cape Town, South Africa. Besides, he is PhD candidate at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Kreijkes, Jeannette
Jeanette Kreijkes is a PhD student at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Besides, she is a teacher of Latin and Greek.
de Boer, Erik A.
Erik A. de Boer is professor of Church History at Theological University in Kampen, the Netherlands, and research associate at the Faculty of Theology of Free State University in Bloemfontein, South Africa.
Jong, Klaas-Willem de
Klaas-Willem de Jong is assistant professor of church polity at the Protestant Theological University Amsterdam.
Selderhuis, Herman J.
Herman J. Selderhuis ist Professor für Kirchengeschichte an der Theologischen Universität Apeldoorn, Direktor von Refo500, Wissenschaftlicher Kurator der Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek sowie Präsident des Internationalen Calvinkongresses.
Westphal, Siegrid
Prof. Dr. Siegrid Westphal ist Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit an der Universität Osnabrück sowie Direktorin des Forschungszentrums Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit.
Moehn, Wim H. Th.
Wim Moehn is Professor with a Special Chair in the History of Reformed Protestantism at Protestant Theological University in Amsterdam, and minister in Hilversum.
Spaans, Joke
Joke Spaans is Guest researcher with the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Utrecht University.
van Lieburg, Fred
Fred van Lieburg is Professor of Religious History at Faculty of Humanities at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Britz, Dolf
Dolf Britz is Visiting Professor at the Theological University Kampen and Research Fellow at the Department Philosophy, University of the Free State.
Mahlmann-Bauer, Barbara
Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer ist Professorin em. für „Neuere deutsche Literatur“ an der Universität Bern.
Goris, Harm
Harm Goris is a senior lecturer systematic theology at the School of Catholic Theology at Tilburg University.