Merwe, Cornelius Van Der
Cornelius Van Der Merwe read law at Bloemfontein and Oxford and obtained a LLD from the University of South Africa. He held chairs in Private Law at the Universities of South Africa and Stellenbosch, in Civil Law at the University of Aberdeen and is presently a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Stellenbosch. He is the main author of the South African 'Property and Trust Law' in the International Encyclopedia of Laws (Kluwer, 2002) and the co-editor of Introduction to the Law of South Africa (Kluwer, 2004).
Verbeke, Alain-Laurent
Alain-Laurent Verbeke is Professor of Law at the Universities of Leuven and Tilburg, teaching contracts, property, estate planning, private international law, comparative law, negotiation and mediation. He is also a Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and at UCP Global School of Law, Lisbon. In addition to his teaching, he is also a founding partner with GREENILLE, a private client law firm with attorneys in Brussels and Antwerp and notaries and attorneys in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. He has vast experience in negotiating large inheritance, divorce and contract cases and is regularly acting as an arbitrator in national and international contract and inheritance cases.
Cornelius Van Der Merwe read law at Bloemfontein and Oxford and obtained a LLD from the University of South Africa. He held chairs in Private Law at the Universities of South Africa and Stellenbosch, in Civil Law at the University of Aberdeen and is presently a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Stellenbosch. He is the main author of the South African 'Property and Trust Law' in the International Encyclopedia of Laws (Kluwer, 2002) and the co-editor of Introduction to the Law of South Africa (Kluwer, 2004).
Alain-Laurent Verbeke is Professor of Law at the Universities of Leuven and Tilburg, teaching contracts, property, estate planning, private international law, comparative law, negotiation and mediation. He is also a Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and at UCP Global School of Law, Lisbon. In addition to his teaching, he is also a founding partner with GREENILLE, a private client law firm with attorneys in Brussels and Antwerp and notaries and attorneys in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. He has vast experience in negotiating large inheritance, divorce and contract cases and is regularly acting as an arbitrator in national and international contract and inheritance cases.