Eric D. van Hullebusch
(PhD in Aquatic Chemistry and Microbiology) is full Professor in Biogeochemistry of Engineered Ecosystems at Université de Paris and Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Paris, France). His main research interests are in the area of environmental technologies and biogeochemistry, with special focus on: i) Study of metals and metalloids biogeochemistry in engineered ecosystems, ii) Biohydrometallurgy of secondary resource streams, and iii) Soil bioremediation. Within these research areas, he published more than 200 papers in scientific journals with peer review and is co-author of more than 15 book chapters.
Marie-Odile Simonnot
(PhD in Chemical Engineering) is full Professor in Chemical and Environmental Engineering at Universitéde Lorraine (Nancy, France). Her main research interests are in the area of separation engineering, with special focus on: i) Reactive transport in porous media including contaminated soils, ii)Soil remediation by chemical processes (oxidation, reduction, washing) iii) Hydrometallurgy applied to agromining. Within these research areas, she published more than 90 papers in scientific journals with peer review and is co-author of 9 book chapters.
(PhD in Environmental Science and Technology) is research scientist and expert at the French Geological Survey (Orléans, France). He has over 12 years of
in situ
remediation experience in consulting & engineering companies. He was in charge of the development and application of remediation technologies for contaminated soils and groundwater. Since he joined the French Geological Survey, his main research interests are in the area of soil and groundwater remediation, with special focus on: i) recovery of NAPL (multiphase flow experiments and modeling), ii) design and optimization of in situ remediation systems. Within these research areas, he published more than 15 papers in scientific journals with peer review. He is also in charge of carrying out technical expertises on behalf of the French Ministry of the Environment on topics related to remediation implementation.
David Huguenot
(PhD in Biology) is associate Professor in Biogeochemistry at Université Paris-Est (Champs-sur-Marne, France). His main research interests are in the field of soil remediation connected with an ecological engineering approach:
(i) biological processes involved in the treatment of soils and waters polluted by organic (pesticides, hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents...) and metallic contaminants;(ii) improvement of soil/plant relation to enhance remediation (biostimulation/bioaugmentation)(iii)physico-chemical remediation of soils and waters (soil washing, advanced oxidation processes) combined with bio/phytoremediation. Within these research areas, he published more than 40 papers in scientific journals with peer review.Yoan Pechaud
(PhD in Process Engineering) is associate Professor in biological and chemical process engineering at Université Paris-Est Est (Champs-sur-Marne, France). His main research interests are in the area of biological processes for wastewater treatments and soil remediation. His current activity is organized around the biological and chemical transformations and transfer phenomena occurring in these processes. He combines experiments at different scales and modelling using conventional approaches used in process engineering. Within these research areas, he published more than 20 papers in scientific journals with peer review and is co-author of 3 book chapters.