Vanelslander / Sys | Maritime Supply Chains | Buch | 978-0-12-818421-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 610 g

Vanelslander / Sys

Maritime Supply Chains

Erscheinungsjahr 2020
ISBN: 978-0-12-818421-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 610 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-818421-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Maritime Supply Chains breaks the maritime chain into components, consistently relating them to the overall integrated supply chain. The book not only analyzes and provides solutions to frequently encountered problems and key operational issues, it also applies cutting-edge scientific techniques on the maritime supply chain. Sections consider shipping, ports and terminals, hinterland and the issues that intersect different parts of the chain. Readers will find discussions of the various actors at play and how they relate to the overall function of the supply chain. Finally, the book offers solutions to the most pressing problems, thus providing a unique, well-balanced account.
Vanelslander / Sys Maritime Supply Chains jetzt bestellen!


<p>Researchers and postgraduate students in maritime supply chains. Shipping, supply chain, logistics, and port transport managers and other professionals. State and federal maritime and supply chain policymakers</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction: The maritime supply chain: key issues in and solutions for current maritime supply chains

SHIPPING 2. Economic assessment of alternative roll-on/roll-off services in short sea shipping 3. Link prediction in liner shipping service networks - a Logit model's extension 4. Developing performance indicators for a logistics model for vessel platooning

PORT AND TERMINALS 5. Using Markov Processes to Investigate Dry Bulk Port Congestion 6. A Generic Understanding of the Economic Changes of Major Ports with Shift-share Analysis Applied, South Korea 7. Policing flows of drugs in the harbor of Antwerp: a nodal-network analysis 8. The economic impact of autonomous shipping

HINTERLAND 9. Identifying policies for intermodal logistics chains based on domestic RO-RO services 10. Automated SME cargo bundling as a tool to reduce transaction costs

TRANSVERSAL ISSUES 11. Blockchain uses for maritime: pros and cons 12. The use of blockchain in the logistics chain 13. Integration of the maritime supply chain: evolving from collaboration processed to maritime supply chain network

Vanelslander, Thierry
Thierry Vanelslander (°1975) currently is research professor at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics at the University of Antwerp. He graduated as a doctor in Applied Economics at the University of Antwerp in 2005. Until 2013, he was holder of the BNP Paribas Fortis chair on transport, logistics and ports. Until halfway 2009, he was director of the Research Centre on Freight and Passenger Transport, hosted by the Department of Transport and Regional Economics. He is currently course co-ordinator for the courses 'Management of Innovation and Technology' and 'Port Economics and Business' at C-MAT, and 'Transport Economics' at the Faculty of Applied Economics. His research focuses on business economics in the port and maritime sector, and in land and air transport and logistics. His PhD dealt with co-operation and competition in sea-port container handling. He is editorial board member of 'International Journal of Transport Economics', 'Journal of Shipping and Trade', 'Competition and Regulation in Network Industries' and 'Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap'. He was guest editor of 9 special issues in journals like Maritime Policy and Management, International Journal of Transport Economics, Journal of Shipping and Trade, Case Studies in Transport Policy, Research in transportation business & management, He was co-editor of three books, and has chapter publications in 37 other books. In total, he has 52 A1 double-blind peer review publications. He was involved in three award-winning papers (2017 and 2018). He is Session Track Organiser A2 (Ports and Maritime) as well as Topic Area Manager A (Transport modes) within WCTR, and furthermore chair of the Freight and Logistics committee of the European Transport Conference.

Sys, Christa
Christa Sys currently is holder of the BNP Paribas Fortis chair on transport, logistics and ports at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics. Until October 2013, Christa Sys was scientific director of the Research Centre on Freight and passengers flows. Next, she is course co-ordinator for the courses 'Business Environment', 'Maritime Economics and Businesses' and 'Maritime Supply Chain' at the Centre for Maritime and Air Transport (C-MAT). She also teaches at the Faculty of Applied Economics, University of Antwerp, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Ghent and at the University College Ghent, Faculty of Applied Business (Member of Ghent University Association). Her educational activities focus on (operational aspects of) maritime transport, transport economics and inland transportation. Her research centres on maritime economics and co-operation and competition in shipping. She jointly graduated as a doctor in Applied Economics at the Ghent University and the University of Antwerp (December 2010). Her doctoral research dealt with the competitive conditions, the concentration and the market structure of the container liner shipping industry (link). In 2013, this research was awarded by the Section of Technical Sciences of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences with the General Manager Fernand Suykens Prize for Port Studies. Moreover, her research was awarded in 2005 and 2011, and as co-author, she was involved in three award-winning papers (2016, 2017 and 2018). She published three books as author, three books as co-editor, and has chapter publications in 9 other books. Furthermore, she was guest editor of a special issue in 'Case studies on Transport Policy'. Her academic bibliography counts seventeen A1 double-blind peer review publications.

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