• Neu
Vasant / Weber / Thomas | Smart Green Energy Production | Buch | 978-3-11-071448-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 11, 230 Seiten, Format (B × H): 240 mm x 170 mm, Gewicht: 536 g

Reihe: Smart Computing Applications

Vasant / Weber / Thomas

Smart Green Energy Production

1. Auflage 2024
ISBN: 978-3-11-071448-7
Verlag: De Gruyter

Buch, Englisch, Band 11, 230 Seiten, Format (B × H): 240 mm x 170 mm, Gewicht: 536 g

Reihe: Smart Computing Applications

ISBN: 978-3-11-071448-7
Verlag: De Gruyter

The new book "Smart Green Energy Production" explores the innovative surfaces and Intersections between Intelligent Algorithms and Green Energy Technologies to advance and enhance sustainable energy solutions. This comprehensive guide covers state-of-the-art and future-oriented computational strategies for optimizing or optimally controlling green energy production and managing carbon dioxide emissions. Key topics also include the application of smart hybrid quantum computing, the efficiency of swarm intelligence, the scalability of cloud computing, as well as analytical, heuristic and sophisticated optimization and controlling techniques. This book provides a detailed analysis of how these technologies can be leveraged to create more efficient, cost-effective, as well as human-, environmentally and life-friendly energy systems, offering readers a thorough understanding of the future of sustainable energy generation, induction, production and consumption.
Vasant / Weber / Thomas Smart Green Energy Production jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

P. Vasant, U Petronas; J. Thomas, UOW U Col., Malaysia, G. Weber, Poznan U of Tech, Polonia; V. Panchenko, Russ. U of Transp., Russia.

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