Marketing Yourself with Technical Writing: A Guide for Today's Professionals provides valuable guidance on how to getting your technical writing published. The author discusses such important topics as book contracts, book indexes, the peer review process, writing query letters, and dealing with editors. Current listings of a representative sample of technical publishers and periodicals are presented, with each listing containing identifying data (e.g., name, address, phone, editor), key statistics, (e.g., circulation, titles published, submissions), submission specifications, contents, and terms offered. The book also discusses the business aspects of technical writing and addresses such issues as taxes, copyright, and libel. The book's final chapter features suggestions and opinions from six successful writers, editors, and publishers. Marketing Yourself with Technical Writing: A Guide for Today's Professionals is the perfect deskside companion for scientists, engineers, and other professionals who plan to publish their technical writing.
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Weitere Infos & Material
Why You Should Write for Publication. Some Preliminaries. Getting Yourself Published: Part I-Articles. Getting Yourself Published: Part II-BookS. The Technical Publishing Market: An Overview. The Business of Technical Writing. Technical Writers, Editors, and Publishers Speak Their Minds.