Venkatesan / Tirwa | Yoder-Wise's Leading and Managing in Nursing: First South Asia Edition | Buch | 978-81-312-5643-5 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

Venkatesan / Tirwa

Yoder-Wise's Leading and Managing in Nursing: First South Asia Edition

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-81-312-5643-5
Verlag: Elsevier India

In the dynamic and ever-changing healthcare landscape of South Asia, effective leadership and management in nursing are crucial. The unique demands of this region require a specialized approach that bridges the gap between international nursing practices and regional requirements. This adaptation seeks to empower nurses to provide care of the highest quality and to lead with unwavering confidence. By harmonizing the roles and responsibilities of nurses in South Asia, this resource aims to inspire devoted nurses to overcome challenges encountered in healthcare settings. With the rich tapestry of cultures and traditions that characterize this region, this adaptation serves as a sincere endeavour to address the specific needs of the patients and healthcare systems. This title has been tailored to meet the requirements of nursing students enrolled in PG Nursing and Advanced Practice Nursing Course (ANP), aiming to enhance their leadership qualities as they assume managerial roles. It also serves as a useful reference for final-year UG Nursing students in developing a comprehensive understanding of Management and Leadership. - Serves as a compass to guide the nurses towards the development of essential leadership skills that align with the ever-changing demands of healthcare institutions and organizations.
- Illuminates the unique roles played by national regulatory bodies and national-level nursing associations.
- Covers all the important aspects of Nursing management with the latest updates.
- Flowsheets and diagrams make it simpler and easier to comprehend.
- The Challenge opens each chapter with a real-world scenario in which practising nurse leaders/managers offer personal stories, encouraging you to think about how you would handle the situation.
- The Solution closes each chapter with an effective method to handle the real-life situation presented in The Challenge, demonstrating the ins and outs of problem-solving in practice.
- Tips for Leading, Managing, and Following offer practical guidelines for applying the information in each chapter.
- Next-Generation NCLEX® case studies familiarize you with these new testing items for the NGN exam.
- AACN Essentials Core Competencies for Nursing Education outlines the necessary curriculum content and expected competencies of nursing graduates.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1: Overview
1. Leading, managing, and following
2. Quality and safety
3. Ethical and legal issues in nursing
4. Toward justice
5. Healthy workplaces, healthy workforce
6. Translating research into practice
Part 2: Know yourself
7. Gaining personal insight: being an effective follower and leader
8. Communication and conflict
Part 3: Know the organization
9. Healthcare organizations and structures
10. Person-centered care
11. Staffing and scheduling
12. Workforce engagement through collective action and governance
13. Solving problems and influencing positive outcomes
14. Delegating: authority, accountability, and responsibility in delegation decisions
15. Effecting change, large and small
16. Building effective teams
Part 4: Use your skills
17. The impact of technology
18. Artificial intelligence
19. Managing Costs and Budgets
20. Selecting, developing, and evaluating staff
21. Managing personal and personnel problems
Part 5: Prepare for the future
22. Role transition
23. Managing your career
24. Developing leaders, managers, and followers
25. Thriving for the future

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