Vermeersch | CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MESOLITHI | Buch | 978-90-6186-408-0 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 297 mm, Gewicht: 1400 g



Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 297 mm, Gewicht: 1400 g

ISBN: 978-90-6186-408-0

Vermeersch CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MESOLITHI jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1 - Ecology, Land Use and Site Structure Smith Chr. & Openshaw St., Mapping the Mesolithic Andersen S.H., Bietti A., Bonsall C., Broadbent N.D., Clark G.A., Gramsch B., Jacobi R.M., Larsson L., Morrison A., Newell R.R., Rozoy J.-G., Straus L.G., Woodman P.C., Making Cultural Ecology Relevant to Mesolithic Research: I. A Data Base of 413 Mesolithic Fauna Assemblages Newell R.R., Making Cultural Ecology Relevant to Mesolithic Research: II. Restocking the Larder of the Later Mesolithic of Zealand, Denmark Edwards K.J., Fire and the Scottish Mesolithic: Evidence from Microscopic Charcoal Grøn O., Studies in Settlement Patterns and Submarine Bogs: Results and Strategy for Further Research Palmer S., Culverwell - Unique Opportunities for Studying the Intra-Site Structure of a Mesolithic Habitation Site in Dorset, England Part 2 - Physical Anthropology, Burials, Social lssues Constandse-Westermann T.S. & Newell R.R., A Diachronic and Chonological Analysis of Lateralization Manifestations in the Western European Mesolithic Skeletal Sample: A Novel Approach to the Assessment of Social Complexity Boroneant V., Les enterrements de Schela Cladovei: Nouvelles données Neeley M.P. & Clark G.A., Measuring Social Complexity in the European Mesolithic Verhart L.B.M., Stone Age Bone and Antler Points as Indicators for "Social Territories" in the European Mesolithic Larsson L., Dogs in Fraction - Symbols in Action Part 3 - Cultural Change and Mesolithic/Neolithic Transition Gregg D.W., Complexity and Change: Testing a New Method for Describing Lithic Technology at Selected Mesolithic Sites in Denmark and Scania Gronenborn D., Mesolithic-Neolithic Interactions - The Lithic Industry of the Earliest Bandkeramik Culture Site at Friedberg-Bruchenbrücken, Wetteraukreis (West Germany) Jochim M.A., The Late Mesolithic in Southwest Germany: Culture Change or Population Decline? Eriksen B.V., Cultural Change or Stability in Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Societies. A Case Study from the Late Palaeolithic - Early Mesolithic in Southwestern Germany Bintz P. & Grunwald C., Mésolithique et Néolithisation en Chartreuse et en Vercors (Alpes du Nord): Evolution culturelle et économie du silex Part 4 - Regional Studies Matiskainen H., Mesolithic Subsistence in Finland Bang-Andersen S., The Myrvatn Group, a Preboreal Find-Complex in Southwest Norway Nygaard S.E., Mesolithic Western Norway Blankholm H.P., Stylistic Analysis of Maglemosian Microlithic Armatures in Southern Scandinavia: an Essay Gebauer A.B. & Price T. D., The End of the Mesolithic in Eastern Denmark: A Preliminary Report on the Saltboek Vig Project Cyrek K., Ausgrabungen auf einer mesolithischen und neolithischen Fundstelle bei Lykowe in Mittelpolen Willis R., Deby 29 - The Functional Analysis of a Late Mesolithic Site in Poland, and its Significance in the Polish Context Schild R., The Mystery of the Desna-type Assemblages in Poland Niesiolowska-Sreniowska E., Mokracz - a Mesolithic Site in Central Poland: Organization and Subsistence Sulgostowska Z., Occurrence and Utilization of Local Ochre Resources during the Early Holocene in the Oder and Vistula River Basins Domanska L., The Role of Near East Factor in the Development of the Late Mesolithic Communities of the Central Eastern Part of the European Plain Burov G.M., Die Holzgeräte der Siedlungsplatzes Vis I als Grundlage für die Periodisierung des Mesolithikums im Norden des europäischen Teils der UdSSR Bagniewski Z., Maglemose-Kultureinflüsse in Mitteleuropa Cziesla E., Report on Four Field-Campaigns in the Weidental-Cave, Palatinate Forest (Western. Germany) Bonsall C. & Smith Chr., Bone and Antler Technology in the British Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic: the Impact of Accelerator Dating Peterson J.D., Assessing Variability in Late Mesolithic Assemblages in Ireland Woodman P.C. & Andersen E., The Irish Later Mesolithic: A Partial Picture ? Wansleeben M. & Verhart L.B.M., Meuse Valley Project: the Transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic in the Dutch Meuse Valley Spier F., Les industries mésolithiques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et leur attribution chrono- culturelle: Etat de la question Rozoy J.-G., La Roche-a-Fépin et la limite entre l'Ardennien et le Tardenoisien Rozoy J.-G. & Slachmuylder J.-L., L'Allée Tortue a Fère-en-Tardenois (Aisne-France), site éponyme du Tardenoisien récent Thevenin A., Le Mésolithique de l'Est de la France Gonzalez Morales M.R. & Morais Arnaud J.E., Recent Research on the Mesolithic in the Iberian Peninsula: Problems and Perspectives Straus L.G., Altuna J. & Vierra B., The Concheiro at Vidigal: a Contrihution to the Late Mesolithic of Southern Portugal

Vermeersch, Pierre M.
Pierre Vermeersch is Professor of Prehistory at KU Leuven.

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