Viana Da Fonseca / Mayne | Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization | Buch | 978-90-5966-009-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 1986 Seiten

Viana Da Fonseca / Mayne

Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Site Characterization, ISC-2, Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

Buch, Englisch, 1986 Seiten

ISBN: 978-90-5966-009-0
Verlag: Millpress

Soils and rocks are complex natural geomaterials that exhibit a wide range in strength, stiffness, state of stress, structure and flow characteristics. Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization provides eleven keynote state-of-the-art papers, including the Mitchell Lecture. A total selection of 219 technical papers and theme reports address methods of site exploration related to ground exploration for civil engineering and construction works. These two volumes represent a collection of experience and knowledge regarding various methods of in-situ testing, geophysical techniques, innovative devices, improved interpretation algorithms and statistical treatment of field data for the characterization of soils, rocks and other geomaterials. The papers represent the written records and documented efforts from international experts from industry, academe and government who participated in the Second International Conference on Site Characterization held in Porto, Portugal on September 20-22, 2004. Topics include the utilization of rotary drilling, sampling and coring techniques. Of particular interest is the variety of in-situ tests, including standard penetration, cone penetration, flat dilatometer, pressuremeter, vane shear, piezocone, dynamic probes and specialized tools, as well as geophysical approaches: resistivity surveys, surface waves, crosshole, downhole, electromagnetic conductivity and ground penetrating radar. A careful and proper site evaluation is required in the analysis and design of new structures, construction monitoring and forensic studies that require remediation. Many of the contributions relate to case studies of projects that involve shallow foundations, drilled shafts, pilings, slope stability, excavations, earth dams, tunnels and mining. Several papers discuss a combined approach using multiple methods and/or complementary set of geotechnical and geophysical tests to ascertain the characteristics of the ground.

Volume 1
Keynote lectures
1. Mechanical in-situ testing methods
2. Geophysical methods applied to geotechnical engineering
3. Innovative technologies and equipment
4. New developmenst in interpretation of in-situ data

Volume 2
5. Case studies involving practical projects
6. Characterization of non-textbook geomaterials
7. Applications to geotechnical structures
8. Enhanced characterization by combined in-situ testing
9. Laboratory and field comparisons
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