Vigliarolo | Economic Systems and Human Rights | Buch | 978-3-031-72865-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 310 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 210 mm


Economic Systems and Human Rights

Using Socioeconomic Models and Practices to Promote Global Economic Socialization

Buch, Englisch, 310 Seiten, Format (B × H): 148 mm x 210 mm

ISBN: 978-3-031-72865-5
Verlag: Palgrave Macmillan

Dominant economic systems have allowed governments and the international community to prioritize financial gain over people, placing global dominance above human rights. This edited volume tackles the relationship between human rights and economic systems, providing new ways to help countries reprioritize human rights across an economy.

It includes contributions from scholars actively contributing to the UNESCO Chair in Economic Systems and Human Rights, founded at the National University of La Plata. These contributors specialize in a range of topics within different disciplines, including and most notably economics, sociology, history, law, and philosophy.

Providing historical insights into what has been and where things stand today, the contributors propose new ways to fix modern economic systems to ensure economies promote human rights. The first half of the book includes theoretical proposals and underlying themes. The second half of the book offers concrete models and practices for use in today's dominant economic systems. Unique contributions within chapters include the inclusion of frameworks readers can use to promote the use of socioeconomic theory at a national and international level.

The book dives into structural problems such as socio-environmental crises, increased rates of inequality, gaps between economy and society, among others. It addresses the transformation of the dominant socio-economic theory as it relates to financial systems, productive labor markets, social participation, and the relationship between economy, society and, environment. Chapters directly address the loss of the ontological function in economies, and they propose new approaches to existing economic systems created by scholars such as Adam Smith, who is known well for his idea of an “invisible hand.”

The resulting book presents a modern approach to national and international well-being built around human rights. Readers will learn about the socioeconomic models and practices that best promote economic socialization and how this relates to global values common across economies.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Reflections and theoretical contributions.- Chapter 1: A conversation with Noam Chomsky about limits and challenges in human rights: Smith's vile maxim.- Chapter 2: An intentional approach to human rights in economy: interest societies vs value societies.- Chapter 3: Some reflection ideas from the ancient roots about the link between Creativity and Freedom for modern societies.- Chapter 4: The birth of the Human Rights debate (18th century).- Chapter 5: Formation and transformation of economic systems: the conquest of rights and its impact on women.- Chapter 6: Meso-Economics: The Proper Dimension of Institutional Emergence and Cultural Development. A conceptual frame.- Chapter 7: In defense of Human Rights: searching for a viable kind of objectivity.- Chapter 8: The limits of neoliberal paradigm in order to implement peoples’ right.- Chapter 9: Unleashing the Human Development through Prescriptive Analytics based on the principle of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.- Part II: On socio-economic practices and models for Human Rights and economic socialization.- Chapter 10: Criteria for Transforming the Economy. Human Dignity, Respect for Nature, Harmony with Life.- Chapter 11: Human Rights in Economic and Social Realms: Exploring the Synergies between the Capability Approach of Amartya Sen and the Perspective of Original Institutional Economics.- Chapter 12: Beyond the economic growth: from the sustainability’s rhetoric to the Bioeconomics’ effectiveness.- Chapter 13: Making Space for Social Justice.- Chapter 14: The impact of neoliberalism on the right to education: limits and proposals.- Chapter 15: UN 2030 Agenda, ESG criteria and Human Rights: the way of the Civil Economy.- Chapter 16: A critical reflection on corporate social responsibility: between communitarian ethics and business purpose.- Chapter 17: The Institutional participation role in economics systems for Human Rights.- Chapter 18: The experience of Cooperative clubs and houses of the people in Italy as places for developing social human rights.- Chapter 19: Last 20: The other vision of the world.- Chapter 20: The impact of economic financialization on Human Rights: some concepts and new socio-economic practices in order to build a universal economic socialization.- Chapter 21: Sustainability Reports and Latin America: The Challenges of Social and Environmental Balances in Development Process for Human Rights.- Chapter 22: Conclusions.

Francesco Vigliarolo is Chairholder for the UN’s Economic Systems and Human Rights Chair (UNESCO) and Professor at Catholic University of La Plata. He is an expert in regional economics, economic sociology, and sustainable development.

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