Volten / Tashev

Establishing Security and Stability in the Wider Black Sea Area

International Politics and the New and Emerging Democracies
Erscheinungsjahr 2007
ISBN: 978-1-58603-765-9
Verlag: IOS Press

International Politics and the New and Emerging Democracies

Buch, Englisch, Band 26, 252 Seiten

Reihe: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics

ISBN: 978-1-58603-765-9
Verlag: IOS Press

In this publication possible ways to promote security cooperation in the Wider Black Sea Area are being addressed. The area holds major importance for Euro-Atlantic security. Strategically located at the crossroads of Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, the region, after the dual NATO-EU enlargement in 2004-2007, became part of the periphery of the common Euro-Atlantic security system, with critical value for European energy security and the war on terrorism.

The region faces a variety of security challenges, including regional conflicts, ethnic strife, terrorism, and powerful organized crime, while many of the countries have weak institutions, turbulent political systems, unstable economies and lack of democracy. In addition, the traffic of drugs to the West, the steady stream of militancy from the Middle East, and the energy lines from the oil and gas-rich regions of the East to an energy-hungry Europe gradually define the Wider Black Sea Area as a region urgently requiring political attention and investment in its security.

This publication is intended to provide fresh ideas on the possible areas of security cooperation, even as the authors agreed that comprehensive, far-reaching policies are hard to attain in the near future.

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