The editors are Yong Xiang and Patricia Walker, Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University, Beijing.
Dr. Yong Xiang (Hardy) is an Associate Professor and Vice Dean of the School of Arts at Peking University and Vice Dean of the Institute for Cultural Industries at Peking University (ICIPKU), where he is working on a Creativity and Management project. He joined the PKU cultural industries research group in 2003. He gained his Ph.D. (2009) in Management at the School of Government, PKU for work on The Research on the Competency Model of Creative Managers in Chinese Cultural Industries. He gained his MA in Arts Administration at School of Arts (2003), PKU and his BA in Philosophy (Major,2000), Economics (Minor,2000), Department of Philosophy & China Centre for Economics Research (CCER), PKU. Since 2005, he has taught the courses, Studies on the Management of Creativity, Strategy and Management of Culture Industries etc. at the School of Arts, PKU. His academic interests are focusing on cultural & creative industries, management of the art, culture and creativity, and human resource development & management.
Dr. Xiang has academic relations with universities in USA, UK, Italy, Australia, Japan, South Korea. He was Academic Visitor, Judge Business School, the University of Cambridge (2010-2011), and visiting scholar at Faculty of Economics Marco Biagi, University of Modena, Reggio Emilia (2010), Italy.
He is a senior cultural & creative industries (CCI) consultant to government, companies and institutions in China. He was awarded one of the 2012 ‘Top 10 Excellent Scholars’ of CCI in China.Patricia Walker is an Associate Professor, Honorary Researcher at Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University and senior research fellow in the Global Policy Institute, London.
Patricia Walker is an Associate Professor, Honorary Researcher at Institute for Cultural Industries,Peking University and senior research fellow in the Global Policy Institute, London.
Her work life ethos is based on partnership to best enable outstanding impacts by working with others who share that joint ambition and belief.
As an international entrepreneur and academic she has founded and delivered high profile collaborations between industry and academia, including the IBM Smarter Planet Academic Initiative Lab, London Business Dialogues, Cuba 2020 Vision, the Edu Tourism Study programmes between China and UK. In partnership with Lord Wei she was instrumental in creating the award winning Anglo Sino Enterprise Challenge for Global Entrepreneur Week UK 2011. She was a regular reviewer of business publications for international publishers.
Her roles as a catalyst, thought leader and advisor with governments, academia and industry of CCI countries span Europe, Cuba, Caribbean, Romania, Russia and China.
In 2010 she established the first CCI showcase for London of world experts and is a joint founder with Yong Xiang of the International Association of Culture and Creative Industries (IACCI).
Voluntary roles include a Chancellor of the Children’s University and a Chair of the Careers Academy UK.
The authors are:
Xiang Yong, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of School of Arts, Peking University, Associate Dean of Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University.
Xiao Dongfa, Professor and Doctoral Tutor at School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University.
Chen Gang, Doctoral tutor and Associate Dean of the School of Communications and Journalism, Peking University.
Lu Di, Professor and PhD tutor, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University.
Fan Ying, PH.D Candidate of School of Arts, Peking University.
Li Tianyun, PH.D Candidate of School of Arts, Peking University.
LiXiaochang, Ph. D Candidate of School of Arts, Peking University.
Tang Lulu, PH.D Candidate of School of Arts, Peking University.
Yong Wenmao, PH.D Candidate of School of Arts, Peking University.
Ruan Rong, master degree candidate of School of Arts, Peking University
Yang Yujuan, Master Graduate of School of Arts, Peking University.
Zhang Hui, Master Graduate of School of Arts, Peking University.
Hao Qinyu, Master Candidate of Arts, Chinese National Academy of Arts.