Wang | Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology III | Buch | 978-3-03785-626-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 500 g


Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology III

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 Global Conference on Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology, November 12 - 14, 2012, Ningbo, China
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03785-626-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2012 Global Conference on Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology, November 12 - 14, 2012, Ningbo, China

Buch, Englisch, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 500 g

ISBN: 978-3-03785-626-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

China has become the manufacturing center of the world. Advanced digital design and manufacturing technology can improve productivity and reduce the costs of product development. It has become the most important techniques to enhance ones competitiveness to win advantage in the market. At the same time, it has a huge potential for development and improvement.Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).This volume contains 34 selected peer reviewed papers from 2012 National Conference on Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology (2012 DDMTC) which was held during November 12-14,2012,in Ningbo, P.R. China.
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Preface, Organizing Committee and Sponsors
Web3D-Based Product Design and Interactive Customization Technology
Prediction of Electromigration Induced Void and Hillock for IC Interconnect Structures
Research on Magnesium Alloy Melting Technology
Design of Civil Low-Pressure Vessel’s "4 in 1" Stamping Compound Dies
Dynamic Characteristic Calculation of CNC Machine Tool’s Base Based on FEM
The Design of Rolling Mills’ Automatic Control System Based on PLC
Reconstruction and Analysis of Wear Topography of PcBN Abrasive Grain
Air Supply System Optimization for the Multi-Temperature Refrigerated Trucks
Research on Gear Repairing Technology by Laser Cladding
Research on Production and Order Decision for Supply Chain Members of Virtual Enterprises in Uncertain Environment
Research on Abrasive Flow Machining for the Outer Rotor of Cycloidal Pump
Preparation and Processing Performance of Viscoelastic Abrasive Flow
On-Line Pre-Hardening Process of Large Plastic Die Steel
Experimental Investigations into Abrasive Flow Machining of Helical Gear
Research on Machining Virtual Reality System
Study on a High Frequency Resonance Fatigue Apparatus Using a Piezoelectric Vibrator
A Kind of Electrode Printing Screen of Equivalent Elastic Modulus Calculation Method
Characteristics Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals from Tensile Process of High Pressure Gas Cylinder Materials
Dynamic Analysis of Leveling Mechanism of New Goose-Neck Jib Gondola
Engineering Graphics Model Room Based on VRML
Lens Detection Technology and its Machining Allowance Prediction Based on MATLAB
Surface Uniformity of CVD Diamond Film Polishing by Catalytic Polishing Method
Experimental Determination of Isothermal Section at 900°C in the Fe-Nb-V Ternary System
Investigation on Thermal Conductivity of Low Concentration AlN/EG Nanofluids
Simulation Research on Climbing Ability of Shovel Loader with Four Tracks
Modal Analysis of Special High-Pressure Seamless Cylinders Based on ANSYS 12.0
Research on the Residual Stress of Aluminum Alloy (LF6) Welding
Study on Performance of PEMFC Catalyst Layer
Investigation on Affecting Factors of Vibration in Milling Harden Steel Assembled with Different Hardness
Based on HsCAE3D of Analysis on Plastic Molding Products in Shrinkage and Warpage
Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Wireless Sensors
Facing to the System Structure of the Controller CNC of Open-Structure Motion
Study of Spherical Near-Field Acoustic Holography with Rigid Spherical Microphone Array
Study on the Materials and Forming Process for Bipolar Plates of PEMFC

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