Wang / Latham | Academic Libraries in the US and China | Buch | 978-1-84334-691-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 276 Seiten

Reihe: Chandos Information Professional Series

Wang / Latham

Academic Libraries in the US and China

Comparative Studies of Instruction, Government Documents, and Outreach

Buch, Englisch, 276 Seiten

Reihe: Chandos Information Professional Series

ISBN: 978-1-84334-691-3
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Academic libraries have a long history both in the USA and China, with institutions developing along different trajectories, and responding to the rapidly changing library environment globally. Academic Libraries in the US and China compares current practices within Library and Information Science (LIS) in the USA and China, giving an historical overview of instruction, government documents, and outreach in academic libraries, as well as discussion and comparative analysis.

An introduction leads to chapters on instruction, government publications, and outreach. Each topic is covered both for American and Chinese academic libraries. A conclusion then gives comparative analysis of US and Chinese academic libraries.

- Provides a clear examination of the historical foundations of three key areas within the academic library
- Includes examples of easy-to-implement current practices
- Anticipates future trends
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Weitere Infos & Material

- List of figures and tables
- About the authors
- Introduction
- Purpose
- Audience, focus, and organization
- Translation
- Chapter 1: Instruction in American academic libraries
- Abstract:

- Introduction to instruction in US academic libraries
- The beginning: from inception to the 1880s
- Structure and concept development: from the late 1800s to World War II
- Library use instruction expands: post-World War II to the 1990s
- Library instruction in the digital age: from the 1990s to the present
- Trends, anticipated futures, and recommendations
- Chapter 2: Instruction in Chinese academic libraries
- Abstract:

- Introduction to instruction in Chinese academic libraries
- Library information literacy instruction in China
- The current state of library use education
- The significance of information education
- The content of information literacy education
- Modes and implementation of information literacy instruction
- Trends, anticipated futures, and recommendations
- Chapter 3: Government publications in American academic libraries
- Abstract:

- A history of the Government Printing Office
- Origins and development of the Federal Depository Library Program
- Federal Depository Library Program organization and governance
- Government documents: organization and workflow in the academic library
- Preservation of government information
- Trends, anticipated futures, and recommendations
- Chapter 4: Government publications in Chinese academic libraries
- Abstract:

- Introduction to Chinese government publications
- The development of public accessibility for government publications
- Government information dissemination channels
- Government publications in public libraries
- Government publications in academic libraries
- Trends, anticipated futures, and recommendations
- Conclusion
- Chapter 5: Outreach in American academic libraries
- Abstract:

- Introduction to academic library outreach in the US
- Defining outreach
- The foundation of outreach services in academic libraries
- Types of outreach
- Target populations for outreach services
- Participants in academic library outreach
- Marketing and networking
- Marketing plans
- Trends, anticipated futures, and recommendations
- Chapter 6: Outreach in Chinese academic libraries
- Abstract:

- Introduction to outreach in Chinese academic libraries
- The origin of outreach services
- The significance of outreach
- Outreach services in academic libraries
- Trends, anticipated futures, and recommendations
- Chapter 7: Conclusion: A comparative analysis of US and Chinese academic libraries
- Abstract:

- Introduction to the comparative analysis of academic library services in the US and China
- Instruction
- Government documents
- Outreach
- Index
- Colleges and universities listed

Latham, Bethany
Bethany Latham is an Associate Professor and Electronic Resources and Documents Librarian at Jacksonville State University's Houston Cole Library. In her capacity as Federal Depository Coordinator, she has over ten years of experience in the field of government documents librarianship, and her scholarly output includes numerous articles. Bethany has authored several LIS book chapters as well as a work of nonfiction, Elizabeth I in Film and Television. Bethany presents nationally on government documents and other LIS related topics.

Wang, Hanrong
Hanrong Wang is a Professor and the Law & Technology Librarian at Jacksonville State University's Houston Cole Library. With more than a dozen years of experience in the field of library instruction and reference services, she has published scholarly articles on a wide range of topics in librarianship in academic journals. Hanrong has contributed numerous book chapters, with publications selected for presentation at a variety of international conferences

Hanrong Wang is an Associate Professor and the Acting Head of Public Services/Law & Technology Librarian at Jacksonville State University’s Houston Cole Library. With more than eleven years of experience in the field of library instruction and reference services, she has published scholarly articles on a wide rage of topics in librarianship in academic journals such as Journal of Academic Librarianship, Journal of Library and Information Science, and International Information and Library Review. Hanrong is responsible for numerous book chapters, with publications selected for presentation at a variety of international conferences.

Bethany Latham is an Associate Professor and Electronic Resources and Documents Librarian at Jacksonville State University’s Houston Cole Library. In her capacity as Federal Depository Coordinator, she has over seven years of experience in the field of government documents librarianship, and her scholarly output includes articles in such publications as Reference Services Review, Information Outlook Quarterly, Library Journal, OCLC Systems and Services, and Collection Building. She has authored numerous LIS book chapters as well as a work of nonfiction, Elizabeth I in Film and Television. Bethany presents nationally on government documents and other LIS related topics.

Charlcie Pettway Vann is an Assistant Professor, Reference and General Instruction Librarian at Jacksonville State University’s Houston Cole Library. She has twenty years of library experience and received her M.L.S. from North Carolina Central University in 1996. She was instrumental in starting the first Multicultural Information Roundtable in the Alabama Library Association, and has presented at several conferences. Charlcie has published in Reference Services Review, The Reference Librarian, and The Alabama Librarian.

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