Wang | Mechanical Science and Engineering III | Buch | 978-3-03785-712-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 1078 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 200 g


Mechanical Science and Engineering III

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering (ICMSE2013), March 1-3, 2013, Hong Kong, China
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03785-712-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering (ICMSE2013), March 1-3, 2013, Hong Kong, China

Buch, Englisch, 1078 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

ISBN: 978-3-03785-712-0
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

The collection of 189 peer reviewed paper communicates the latest progress and research results, including new theory, technology, methods and equipment in mechanical science and engineering. The major topics covered include: Mechanism Theory & Application, Mechanical Dynamics, Manufacturing System and Automation, Micro and Nano Manufacturing, and others related areas in mechanical science and engineering.
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Preface, Reviewers and Sponsors
Chapter 1: Manufacturing System, Automation and Control
Design of a Parallel Manipulator Based on Multi-Objective Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm
Research on Aircraft Assembly Sequence Planning Technology Based on Key Characteristics
A Simplified Method for Joint Optimization of Production Schedule and Preventive Maintenance in Tobacco Flow Shop
The Design of Test Bench for Transmission Efficiency of Automobile Driveline
Research on 5S Concept Used in Production Line Balance Based on Line Balance Chart Method-S Production Line as an Example
Cutting Technique of Welding Groove for Intersecting of Braces at Small Angle during Liwan 3-1 CEP Jacket Fabrication
The Mode and Key Technology of Battery Quick Change Research for Electric Commercial Vehicle
Research on Three-Dimensional Visualization Terrain Application Technology Based on ECT/EPX
Key Technologies of Telepresence in Time-Delayed Teleoperation System: Review and Analysis
A Wall Climbing Robot Based on the Improved Electro Adhesion Technology
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Corner Milling
An Adaptive Cooperative Control Method for Nonlinear System Based on Directed Graph
Application of BP Neural Network Controller on Inverted Pendulum
Modeling and Identification of Friction Behaviors of Hydraulic Forging Press Machine
Target Tracking Based on QPSO Algorithm
Body Measurements Forecast Based on Factor Analysis and Radical Basis Function Net
Study Based on Piecewise Drying Process of Corn Seed Multi-Purpose Drying System
Fuzzy Control Approach to Reconfigurable Manufacturing System Involving Equipment Representation
The Basic Data Establishment for Automobile Panels' Main Stamping Defects Control
Comparative Study on Fuzzy PID Controller and Conventional PID Controller
An Interaction Process Model for Virtual Objects Based on Interaction Structures
Application of PSO Algorithm in PMSM Sensorless Control System
Three Dimensional Path Planning of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Design and Analysis for Three Phase Meshing Gear Motor
Research on Forming Technology of Thermoplastic Composite Blade for Wind Turbine
Fault Detection and Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance Compensation for Electric Actuator
Applied NURBS on the Research of Interactive Curved Hull Computer Aided Design
Layout Improvement for Mixed-Model Production Offline Area Based on Fundamental Industrial Engineering and Simulation
An Efficient Algorithm for Collision Detection on Five-Axis Machining
The Impact of Using the Power to Change the Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Performance
Contouring Control of Biaxial Systems with Modified Reference Commands
Vehicle Damper Production Process Analysis and Improvement
Application of the Wireless Data Transmission System
Swarm Robotics Cooperation Collision Strategies Based on Game Theory
Swarm Robots Hunting Behavior Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
Vibration Fatigue Test Based on Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors and HHT
Pistol Ring Gap Inspection under Free State Based on Machine Vision
Repair Method for Overheated Areas in the Liwan3-1 Jacket Members
Study on Optimizing the Process Parameters for the Band Saw Equipment
Failure Mechanism and Control Techniques of Reused Roadway in an Isolated Coal Barrier Pillar
Design of Technical Information Management System for Machine Tool Workbench
Chapter 2: Information Technologies Application for Manufacture, Data Processing
Shape Classification and Retrieval Based on the V-System
About SOA and its Realization Technology Discussion
Application of MATLAB-Based Regression Analysis Model in Enterprises
Linear Programming Application in Construction Enterprises
A New Approach of Distributed Query Processing Based on Database Grid
An Efficient Algorithm to Understand Long Counterexample
Analysis on GNSS Receiver with the Principles of Signal and Information
A New Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving the Knapsack Problem
Reconstruction of Distribution Network Based on Binary PSO and Optimal Flow Method
A Revised and Improved Version of the MRP Algorithm: Rev MRP
Chapter 3: Quality and Saftety Engineering, Assessment
A Study of Run-to-Run Control Efficiency for Quality Improvement
Bridge Monitoring Data Analysis Based on Apriori Algorithm
Analysis and Optimization of Rear Occupant Safety in Car Head-On Collision
The Operating Characteristics of Orbal Oxidation Ditch Process under Low Dissolved Oxygen
Study on Evolution of River Bed and Flood Prediction at Lanzhou Section of Yellow River
Wuerxun Depression Fan Delta Depositional System Research of Nantun Formation in Wubei Sub-Depression
A Model for the Domino Effect Analysis in Quantitative Risk Assessment
Application Research of Two-Tuple Linguistic Theory in Warship Battle Damage Assessment
Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Contaminations in Sediments of Love River Mouth, Taiwan
Analysis of Indoor Air Quality for the Split-Type Air Conditioner with Air Change Function in an Office Environment
Game Analysis of the Adverse Selection Formation Mechanism on Engineering Quality Risk Based on Information Asymmetry
Research on Design of Inner-Climbing Tower Crane Supporting System
Supervision Organization Design of Government Investment Project Based on Multi-Agent Technology
Chapter 4: Mechanism Theory and Analysis, Numerical and Mathematical Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Function Airfoil and its Pressure Distribution and Lift Coefficient Calculation
How Atmospheric Large Eddies Transport Domestic Cook Stove Emissions over Slums: A Chennai City Case Study
A Reverse Design Method of Geometric Model for Fan's Impeller Based on Geomagic Studio and SolidWorks
The Time-Frequency Analysis Method Based on EMD White Noise Energy Density Distribution Characteristics of the Internal Combustion Engine Vibration
The Transmission Precision Test Research of High Precision FA45-29 Prototype
Study on Bio-Locust Subsequent Attitude Adjustment Robot
New Rotor with Variable Clearance in the Short Fiber Rubber Composite Mixing
The Calculation and Analysis of the Infrared Thermal Wave Nondestructive Testing for the Defects of the Parts in the Turnout Point Switch
Effects of Wheel Dressing Errors on the Accuracy of CNC Gear Form Grinding
Research on the Effect of Pump Block Material Selection on Pump Spindle Stress
Resistance Analysis of RC Frame Corner Joint Subjected to Progressive Collapse
Effect of Load-Relieving Structure against Overload under High Overload
Analysis of Influence Parameters of the Project Ribbed Bar Machining Quality
Method Study to Determine Tighten Torque of Thread Fasteners
Rigid-Body Guidance Synthesis of Four-Bar Linkages with Use of the Relative Displacement Differences of Monad Vectors
A New Testability Optimization Allocation Approach
Numerical Simulation on the Shape of Stamping Part about Hot Forming and Quenching
Coupling Simulation and Characteristic Analysis of Pure Water High-Speed On-Off Valve
The Improved K-Means Cluster Analysis on Diagnosis Data Fusion of the Aero-Engine
Design and Research of a New Ultrasonic Atomizing Vibrator
Simulation Model and Experimental Verification of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Valve
Experimental Research on the Mathematical Model of Abrasion Ratio Based on the Abrasive Belt Grinding
Simulation on Cutting Temperature during High-Speed Milling Aluminum Alloy 7055
Model of Group Robots Based on Distribution Function
Chapter 5: Dynamics Systems: Models and Analysis
Optimization of Vehicle Powertrain Mounting System Based on Adams/View
Nonlinear Revision of the Linear Model for Stockbridge Vibration Damper and Experiment Validation
Development of a Closed-Loop Simulator for a Separately-Excited DC Motor Drive System
Dynamic Responses for Rails and Panels of Electromagnetic Rail Launcher in the Electromagnetic Forces
Engineering Vehicle ABS Model Reference Self-Adaptive Control Strategy Analysis and Simulation
Study on Friction Chatter Mechanism of Power Ultrasonic Vibration Honing Based on Stribeck Effect
Dynamic Performance Analysis on Helical Milling Spindle Unit
Dynamic Analysis of New Garbage Container Transport Frame in Back-Loaded Condition
Analysis on Dynamic Contact Force in High Power Density Gear Transmission Based on Flexible Model
Experimental Modeling Using Pseudo Mode Shape Method
Mesh Partition Based Explicit Integration Method for Dynamic Structure FEA
Inverse Frequency Problem of Discrete System of Symmerty Beam with Two Fixed Ends
Switched Projective Synchronization of the Stochastic Newton-Leipnik System
Appling the Bessel Filter in State Feedback
Bifurcations of Exact Traveling Wave Solutions of Maccari's Equations
Study of Vehicle Vibration Model Based on Lagrange Method
Research on Running Stability of the Rail Vehicle Based on SIMPACK
Reduce the Number of Anti-Hunting Dampers in High-Speed Train by Optimal Design of Wheel Profile
The Simulation and Analysis of Piezoelectric Vibration Control for the Autobody Thin-Wall Structure
Application of Power Spectral Density on Estimation of the Number of Source Signals
Review of Loads Transfer Laws and their Applications in Artillery
Study on the Motions and Stress of Immersing Tunnel Element under Wave Actions
Research on the Vortex Structures of Flow around Surface-Mounted Obstcales
Calculation Method of Lubricant Film Pressure Distribution of Axial Piston Pump Slippers
Research on Automobile Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Based on Isobaric Surface of a Blunt Body
The Simulation Study of the Car Curve Traveling Traction Control System
Dynamic Identification of Industrial Robots from Low-Sampled Data
Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Model Study on Stability of a Crack Rotor System
Chapter 6: Micro and Nano Technologies, Materials, Molecular and Quantum Physics Applications
Effect of Different Silica Source on NaA Nanocrystal
Mathematical Modeling on Ultra-Filtration Using Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes
Design of NDR-Based Oscillators Suitable for the Nano-Based BiCMOS Technique
Fast and Simple Fabrication of RGO/Ag Nanocomposite with Homogenous Dispersion
Influence of Hole Size on Crack Propagation Mechanism of Nano-Single Crystal Copper
The Comparative Study of Non-Equilibrium and Equilibrium MD Simulation Results on Gas Flow in Nanopore
The Model Construction and Structures of the Dendronized SWCNTs Collaborative Nano-Materials
Glucose Biosensor Based on Pt Nanoparticles/Graphene Chitosan Bionanocomposites
Growth Inhibition of Copper Oxide Engineered Nanoparticles to Lemna minor
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Microwave Sintered Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 Ferrite
Zinc Oxide Nanostructures Synthesized by Thermal Oxidation of Zinc Powder on Si Substrate
Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of a Novel Nanoscale Eu(III)-Carboxylate Coordination Polymer
Synthesis of AgCl Nanoparticles in W/O Microemulsion and Study of AgCl/Poly(GMA-co-MMA-co-AMPS) Copolymer Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Membranes
Synthesis and Fluorescence Property of Rare-Earth Terbium Active Monomer Complexes
Synthesis and Characterization of Three-Dimensional (3D) Flowerlike CuO by a Simple Chemical Reduction Method
Study on Toxicity of Copper Oxide Engineered Nanoparticles to Tobacco BY-2 Cells
Structure of Nanometer Wide Heavy-Ion Tracks in Muscovite
The Inverse Task for Magnetic Force Microscopy Data
Bioactivity of Microparticles Prepared from Fermented Seaweeds Waste Materials
The Application of Modified Multi-Wall Carbon Nano-Tube Particles in PCM as the Nucleating Agent
Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles on the Green Algae: Chlorella pyrenoidosa
The Anti-Microbial Property of ZnO Nanoparticles Deposited Bamboo Pulp Fabric
QCM Detection of HBV Based on Au-NPs/CNTs Signal Amplification
Production and Characterization of MWCNTs Produced by Non-Stationary Current Regimes in Molten LiCl
Polymer Nanocomposite Films with Functionalized MWCNTs
Oxidation Study of Pure Fe and Fe-36Ni Alloy at Elevated Temperature
Phase Transitions in the Binary Alloys with Annealed Magnetic Impurities
Synthesis of Stable Colloidal Suspension of Graphene
The Effect of Crystalline Rice Husk Silica on Polysulfone Membrane for Wastewater Treatment
Synthesis and Microstructure Study of Polycarboxylated Superplasticizer with Different Carboxylic Group Content
Wireless Thermal Convection Accelerometer on a RFID-Tag with Heater and Thermal Piles Deposited by E-Beam
Electronic Structure and Optical Property of Phosphorus Doped Semiconducting Graphene Nanoribbons
Alignment of Integrated Photonic Devices Based on Improved Particle Swarm Algorithm
Influence of Crystal Structure on the Magnetic Percolation Threshold in Ultrathin Films
Electrical Generator Made of Aligned BaTiO3 Nanofibers
Physical Characteristics Analysis of Microencapsulated Phase Change Suspension
Effects of Precursor Infiltration and Pyrolysis Cycles on Properties of Hollow Silica Fiber Reinforced Nitride Composites
Spin-Glass-Like Behavior and Concentration Phase Transitions in Model of Monolayer Two-Sublattice Magnetics
Optical Performance Characteristics of Light-Emitting Diodes Designed with Dip-Shaped InGaN/GaN Quantum well Structures
Density Function Theory Study on the Recognition of the Urea-Based Involving Bromine Derivation Receptor for the Halogen Anions
Research on the Application of Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials to Thermal Infrared Camouflage
Chapter 7: Material Engineering and Processing
Effect of Temperature on Hydration Performance of Portland Cement
Experimental Study on Surface Integrity in High-Speed End Milling of Titanium Alloy TB6
A Study of Technical and Economic Analysis to Energy-Saving Glass of Construction in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone
Erosive Ions in Industrial Boiler Water on the Corrosion Behavior of Water-Wall Tubes
Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Ultra-Supercritical Unit Waterwall Tube Material in Simulated Solution of Oxygenated Treatment at Room Temperature
Empirical Regressive Model of Thermal Conductivity Coefficients on a Kind of Compound Rubber Material
Melt Polycondensation and Analysis of Hydroxyl-Terminated Poly(L-lactic Acid) Using Small Molecular Diols as Terminating Agents
Effect of Field Strength on Polymer Aggregation in Electrohydrodynamic Spraying of Thermoplastic Polyurethane
Preparation and Thermal Shock Properties of Al2O3p/40Cr Functionally Graded Composites Materials
Effect of Cord Construction on the Properties of Rubber Composites
An Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties for High Performance Concrete Using Fly-Ash
Experimental Research on Surface Roughness and Topography of Aluminum Alloy 7055 under High-Speed Milling
Experimental Investigation of Downward Flame Spread over RPU Samples
Chapter 8: Materials in Manufacturing Processes: Design, Modeling, Simulation and Analysis
Load Capacity Finite Element and Optional Design of Scissor Platform
Temperature Control Research on Spiral Case Concrete of Xiluodu Underground Power Plant during Construction
Application of Hoop Stress Limit State and Predicted Corrosion Rate in Underground Gas Transmission Pipeline Inspection Plan
Reloading Stress Relaxation Behavior Analysis Based on a Creep Model for High Temperature Bolting Steel
Modeling and Analysis of Canned Motor of the Nuclear Reactor Coolant Pump
The Influence of the Dimension of Central Tube on Shell-Side Performance of Continuous Helical Baffle Heat Exchanger
Panel Shear Strength of Steel Coupling Beam-Pseudo Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite Wall Connection
Design Optimization of Modular Bridge Structure
3D Numerical Simulation of Stratified Mixture Formation of DI LPG Engine
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field of Linear Friction Welding of Titanium Alloy
Simulation of Metal Material Quasi-Static Tensile Test Based on ABAQUS
Simulation and Analysis on the Blind Hole Method Using the Finite Element Method
The Influence of Eccentricity on Thrust Force of Helical Milling in Carbon Fiber Composite Holemaking
The CFD Simulation Analysis on Flow Field of Array Ultrasonic Atomizing Nozzle Coating System
The Effects of Material Degradation on Sealing Performances of O-Rings
Chapter 9: Related Themes
How many Elements Exist in the World?
Current Sensing Circuit Applied to Switching Regulator
Research on the Stratified Charge Control of the Nitrogen-Enriched Intake Air
Study on Stability Experimental of Compound Consolidated Soil

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