Wang | Stochasticity, Nonlinearity and Forecasting of Streamflow Processes | Buch | 978-1-58603-621-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten


Stochasticity, Nonlinearity and Forecasting of Streamflow Processes

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-58603-621-8
Verlag: IOS Press

Streamflow forecasting is of great importance to water resources management and flood defense. On the other hand, a better understanding of the streamflow process is fundamental for improving the skill of streamflow forecasting. The methods for forecasting streamflows may fall into two general classes: process-driven methods and data-driven methods. Equivalently, methods for understanding streamflow processes may also be broken into two categories: physically-based methods and mathematically-based methods. This publication focuses on using mathematically-based methods to analyze stochasticity and nonlinearity of streamflow processes based on univariate historic streamflow records, and presents data-driven models that are also mainly based on univariate streamflow time series. Six streamflow processes of five rivers in different geological regions are investigated for stochasticity and nonlinearity at several characteristic timescales (i.e., one day, one month, 1/3 month and one year). But only the streamflows of the upper Yellow River in northern China are considered for forecasting.
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