Wiles / Reyes | The Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book Period | Buch | 978-1-59749-228-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 736 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1460 g

Wiles / Reyes

The Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book Period

Erscheinungsjahr 2007
ISBN: 978-1-59749-228-7
Verlag: Syngress

Buch, Englisch, 736 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1460 g

ISBN: 978-1-59749-228-7
Verlag: Syngress

Electronic discovery refers to a process in which electronic data is sought, located, secured, and searched with the intent of using it as evidence in a legal case. Computer forensics is the application of computer investigation and analysis techniques to perform an investigation to find out exactly what happened on a computer and who was responsible. IDC estimates that the U.S. market for computer forensics will be grow from $252 million in 2004 to $630 million by 2009. Business is strong outside the United States, as well. By 2011, the estimated international market will be $1.8 billion dollars. The Techno Forensics Conference has increased in size by almost 50% in its second year; another example of the rapid growth in the market.

This book is the first to combine cybercrime and digital forensic topics to provides law enforcement and IT security professionals with the information needed to manage a digital investigation. Everything needed for analyzing forensic data and recovering digital evidence can be found in one place, including instructions for building a digital forensics lab.

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Investigators, examiners, IT security professionals and managers, lawyers, and academia.


Weitere Infos & Material

Email Forensics
Developing a Digital Investigative/Electronic Discovery Capability
Digital Forensics in a Multi Operating System Environment
Digital Forensic Investigation Operations
Balancing Records & Information
Cyber Crime Investigations
Windows and DVD Forensics
Alternate Data Storage Forensics
Buidling a Digital Forensics Lab

Wiles, Jack
Jack Wiles is a security professional with over 40 years' experience in security-related fields. This includes computer security, disaster recovery, and physical security. He is a professional speaker, and has trained federal agents, corporate attorneys, and internal auditors on a number of computer crime-related topics. He is a pioneer in presenting on a number of subjects, which are now being labeled "Homeland Security" topics. Well over 10,000 people have attended one or more of his presentations since 1988. Jack is also a co-founder and President of TheTrainingCo., and is in frequent contact with members of many state and local law enforcement agencies as well as Special Agents with the U.S. Secret Service, FBI, IRS-CID, U.S. Customs, Department of Justice, The Department of Defense, and numerous members of High-Tech Crime units. He was also appointed as the first President of the North Carolina InfraGard chapter, which is now one of the largest chapters in the country. He is also a founding member of the U.S. Secret Service South Carolina Electronic Crimes Task Force. Jack is also a Vietnam veteran who served with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam in 1967-68, where he was awarded two Bronze stars for his actions in combat. He recently retired from the U.S. Army Reserves as a lieutenant colonel and was assigned directly to the Pentagon for the final seven years of his career.

Reyes, Anthony
Anthony Reyes is a retired Detective with the New York City Police Department's Computer Crimes Squad. During his assignment with the Computer Crimes Squad, he investigated computer intrusion, fraud, identity theft, child exploitation, and software piracy. Detective Reyes previously sat as an alternate member of New York Governor George E. Pataki's Cyber-Security Task Force. Mr. Reyes is a member of the New York State Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce. He is also a member of the National Institute of Justice Electronic Crime Partnership Initiative (ECPI). Additionally, he is a member of the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), and served as the President in 2005 of the Association's Northeast Chapter.

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